UK Charities Fighting Hunger This Christmas

By Charlie Colville

3 years ago

Make someone's Christmas a little bit easier this year

While many of us are rubbing our hands together in anticipation of Christmas, we can’t forget that for many Brits this is a very tough time of year. Especially when it comes to feeding families. The Trussell Trust’s 2021 mid-year statistics report found that it provided more than 5,100 emergency food parcels on average to people across the UK every day – with almost 2,000 going to children. Help lighten the load by supporting one of these charities fighting hunger this Christmas…

This Charity Auction is Raising Funds in Aid of Homelessness

UK Charities Fighting Hunger This Christmas

The Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks, providing emergency food and support to people locked in poverty. With more than 1200 food bank centres – which is about two thirds of the UK’s overall number of food banks – under its belt, the Trussell Trust helps to provide a minimum of three days’ worth of nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis. With the goal to create a future without the need for food banks, the charity also campaigns extensively for social change – using its platform to publish news and statistics concerning the current poverty crisis in the UK.

How You Can Help: Financial Donations | Food Donations | Goods Donations | Volunteering | Fundraising

For more information, please visit 

Compliments of the House

Brixton based charity Compliments of the House simultaneously tackles food waste and food access by collecting surplus food and redistributing it to the hungry. Unlike other London foodbanks which pre-prepare packages of basic necessities, they offers guests a choice of starters, mains and deserts. The menu varies based on what has been collected that day, but it includes foods from local eateries that people will be familiar with. As of this year, Compliments of the House has set up partnerships with 40 local food businesses, for regular donations and support with its Back to Work scheme (which supports guests through their journey into employment).

Compliments Of The House: The Brixton Charity Serving Up Surplus Food

How You Can Help: Financial Donations | Food Donations | Volunteering | Fundraising

For more information, please visit

Food Bank

(c) Joel Muniz, Unsplash


Centrepoint, the charity providing housing and support for young people throughout the UK, aims to give homeless young people a future. The goal is to end youth homelessness by 2037, so that the next generation won’t have to experience it. With support from the likes of Prince William, Centrepoint helps more than 10,000 homeless young people each year with accommodation, health support and life skills so they can get back into education, training and employment. The charity is currently raising awareness for how it will be helping young people this Christmas, with donations going to hot meals, beds, essentials and rooms.

How Can You Help: Financial Donations | Sponsor a Room | Sleep Out | Volunteering | Fundraising

For more information, please visit


The UK’s national charity for homeless people, Crisis, has been supporting those struggling with homelessness since 1967. This Christmas, the charity has outlined multiple ways that we can get involved and help support those who need it most – from at-home fundraisers and volunteer schemes to a Shop to Stop Homelessness initiative that allows donors to buy specific gift aid packs. One off donations are always welcome, and whatever you can spare could help provide hot meals (including Christmas dinner), a safe place to stay, training and education.

How Can You Help: Financial Donations | Volunteering | Fundraising

For more information, please visit

Food Bank

(c) Aaron Doucett, Unsplash

Choose Love

By doing whatever it takes to provide refugees and displaced people with anything from lifesaving search and rescue boats to food and legal advice, Choose Love has ‘created a movement of people putting love into action around the world’. The charity is unique from most in that it takes the majority of its donations through the Choose Love shop; the world’s first shop to sell real products for refugees and displaced communities. Choose Love recently reopened its Charity Christmas Gifts page, where, alongside clothes, blankets and educational materials, you can give the gift of a hot meal to someone displaced from their home this Christmas.

How Can You Help: Financial Donations | Charity Gifts | Volunteering

For more information, please visit

Featured image: Elaine Casap, Unsplash

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