Chafyn Grove

Address: 33 Bourne Avenue, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1LR
Founded: 1876
Number of Pupils: 111 boys, 89 girls
Ages: 3-13
Fees: Reception£2,829; Pre-Prep – £3,350 – £4,953; Prep – £6,497; Full Boarding – £8,760 – £9,360. Flexi Boarding available on request.
Headteacher: Mr Simon Head
Religious Affiliation: CofE
Entrance Procedure: Non-selective – visit and meeting with Headmaster.
Contact: Claire Ward, admissions 01722 333423
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Private tours with the Headmaster can be arranged for whenever suits.

The Curriculum

Broad, in-depth curriculum. Spanish and French both studied from start; Latin introduced in Year 6. Maths streamed from Year 3. Entire curriculum taught by subject specialists from Year 5. Unrivalled extra-curricular provision embedded into twice-weekly activity afternoons from Year 3. 

Games & the Arts

Both equally valued. Everyone in a team and every team has its own coach. Weekly fixtures from Year 3. Regional and National finalists in rugby, hockey, athletics and swimming. Cricket mixed throughout. Art-block used from Year 1. Music and drama lessons part of timetable, plus LAMDA.

Pastoral Care

Pupil happiness is the foundation of everything at Chafyn Grove. Staff work with children in multiple roles beyond classroom to ensure that personal understanding informs every aspect of our provision. This is supported by a comprehensive pastoral system where there are clear and well-used lines of communication between teachers, parents and children. 

Recent Scholarships

Over the last 3 years, academic, sport, music, art, DT, drama and all-rounder scholarships gained to Bryanston, Canford, Marlborough, Godolphin, Clifton, Sherborne, Clayesmore and others.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Enjoyable Challenge. Too much challenge counter-productive, too little worse – in between is a sweet-spot where children thrive. Ensuring that the level of challenge is set correctly for each individual is enabled by high-quality relationship between learner and teacher, supported by wealth of opportunity and variety.   

Outstanding Characteristics

  • First class facilities and capacious grounds.
  • Huge investment in Sport being positive environment for all.
  • Unrivalled opportunity to discover strengths and build upon them through a unique activities programme.
  • Breadth and depth of provision.
  • Pupils go on to full range of senior schools.
  • School Dog (Peggy).
  • Regular excursions and residential trips involving progression of outdoor learning and life skills.