Address: Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD
Founded: 1619
Number of Pupils: 221
Fees: Termly: Day place: £8,807; full boarding: £18,385; weekly boarding: £17,236
Ages: 7-11 years
Head Teacher: Dr Toby Griffiths
Religious Affiliation: Church of England with pupils following many faiths
Entrance Procedure: Written papers in mathematics, reading, writing and reasoning, an interview and observed activity morning.
Contact: Mrs Cara Norfolk, Registrar, 020 8299 8432, [email protected]
School Visits: All Junior School Open Days will be ticketed events, booked online, and will only be open to those families who are considering entry in September 2025.
- Saturday 12 October 2024, two sessions starting at 9.30 am and 11.15 am
- Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 1.30 pm
- Registered Parents evening Wednesday 20 November 2024, 7 pm
- Parent tours led by the Head of Junior School on Friday and Wednesday mornings
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The Curriculum
Dulwich boys thrive in a stimulating, academically challenging environment which fosters a love of learning. Nurtured as individuals, all pupils are allowed the opportunity to ‘be and do everything’ throughout their time at the school, including having science lessons in the junior lab in the new £21m science block.
Games & The Arts
Junior School boys sample all the specialist facilities available at a top public school. This includes a junior-specific art & DT studio, a theatre, music school and extensive playing fields.
Pastoral Care
Our pioneering wellbeing programme is at the heart of the curriculum where we teach about and support the boys’ emotional, spiritual and physical health and emphasise the importance of being in a community and a global citizen. A network of support comes from Form Tutors, Year Heads, a professional College Counsellor, the Chaplain, Housemasters and medical centre staff as well as the boys themselves as ‘buddies’ to new pupils, prefects and mentors to younger children.
Recent Scholarships
Nine Junior School students were awarded scholarships to the Senior School at age 11+.
Head Teacher’s Philosophy
Our aim is to make our boys feel good about themselves, as learners, as people and as a community, working hard to nurture a positive, happy and purposeful atmosphere. We believe in working with parents to encourage children to achieve high academic standards, be confident, courteous, responsible and independent.
Outstanding Characteristics
Academically successful: our students are in the top 15 per cent of their age group. A culturally diverse and socially inclusive community thrives here. Our staff enjoy teaching boys and know how to inspire them. Class sizes range from around 15 to 20 boys per Form. 400 years of history, 70 green acres and superb modern facilities make for a wonderful learning environment.