North Bridge House Share Their New Prep Facilities and Inspection Results

By Anoop Bhuller

1 year ago

Brand New Early Years Facilities at North Bridge House Prep School 

North Bridge House Prep School in Regent’s Park now offers bespoke EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and Key Stage 1 provision, which expands on the specialist, individualised education delivered throughout Years 3 to 8 at the school. 

North Bridge House's new prep facilities

North Bridge House’s new prep facilities

The purpose-built space for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children has been designed using eco-friendly materials and to create multi-functional internal and external teaching spaces. Large windows facilitate maximum daylight indoors, with ease of access between the classroom and garden. 

The rooftop garden is a lovely addition; an outdoor extension of the indoor Early Years space, the garden facilitates a continuation of the curriculum beyond the classroom and is perfect for early learners. Plant pots and beds have been built into the garden at a specific height for small children, who have their very own safe outdoor learning space to enjoy active learning, conducting experiments and connecting with nature. 

North Bridge House Pre-Prep School in Hampstead to Offer 7+ Preparation 

Beginning this 2023-24 academic year, North Bridge House Pre-Prep School is integrating 7+ preparation into its broad-ranging Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 curriculum. With NBH children performing well above the national average in English and Mathematics and some families aiming for entry to UK leading destinations, the school is looking to build on – rather than simply maintain – its excellent academic offering, so that every child can benefit from a truly individualised Pre-Prep education.

North Bridge School pupils in class

North Bridge House is integrating 7+ preparation into it’s teaching

The Pre-Prep School will adopt the same tailored approach to future school pathways as North Bridge House Prep School in Regent’s Park, where pupils benefit from the option of a through-school education or bespoke 11+ and 13+ senior school preparation. NBH Pre-Prep will similarly identify the academic pathway best suited to pupils’ needs and interests, continuing to offer natural and automatic progression to NBH Prep School as well as 7+ exam tuition.

As part of NBH Pre-Prep’s 7+ provision, interview preparation has been embedded into the curriculum alongside the school’s ongoing assessment cycles, so that children are able to refine their communication skills, articulating themselves confidently in one-to-one and group conversation.

The school’s broad extra-curricular programme and strong pastoral system also remain integral to its educational offer, cultivating character and promoting wellbeing to ensure that children are supported in every aspect of their growth and development.

North Bridge House Prep School and Senior Schools are Rated Double ‘Excellent’ in ISI Inspections

With three inspections this year, North Bridge House has received a clean sweep of double ‘Excellent’ ratings from the Independent Schools Inspectorate across the Prep School, Regents Park and both Senior Schools in Hampstead and Canonbury, Islington. At all three schools, the quality of pupils’ academic achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development were found to be ‘excellent’.

North Bridge House School

North Bridge House School

At North Bridge House Senior Hampstead, pupils were found to make ‘rapid progress from their starting points’, with ‘excellent knowledge, skills and understanding across all areas of learning’ at a level ‘well beyond age-related expectations’ across ‘all ages’. Students leave NBH Senior Hampstead ‘extremely well prepared for the next stage of their lives’, and are ‘highly successful in accessing a wide range of sixth form courses’ including many with ‘highly competitive entry requirements’. The extra-curricular offering is successful and varied, including ‘sport, art, music, drama and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme’, with particular emphasis on the arts with ‘outstanding grades in drama and frequent plays and music concerts’. 

Students’ ‘attitudes towards inclusion and diversity are a strength of the school and a testament to the rapid personal development that takes place in relation to their starting points’. Teachers have ‘detailed knowledge of pupils’ needs’, which are supported by the ‘excellent pastoral system’. Students develop ‘outstanding teamworking skills’, ‘awareness of environmental issues’ and ‘heightened capacity to make informed decisions’ as they become ‘happy and confident’ young adults during their time at NBH Senior Hampstead. 

The second senior school inspection yielded equally impressive comments, with the inspectors noting that at NBH Senior Canonbury, ‘inclusion is the norm’, and commending the ‘excellent pastoral care in fulfilment of the school’s aim to celebrate each pupil as an individual in a secure and nurturing environment’. Students are ‘excellent communicators’ and display ‘high-levels of self-esteem’ as well as ‘excellent decision-making’.

NBH Senior Canonbury students achieve grades ‘higher than expected for those of their ability’, with students ‘citing the support of their teachers’ in their significant ‘development and achievement’. The school also has a broad and well-attended extra-curricular provision; ‘many pupils participate in school teams in a variety of sports’ and students’ achievements are ‘considerable for their age, particularly in art and drama’. 

North Bridge House receives excellent inspection result

North Bridge House receives excellent inspection result

Mirroring the success of the Senior Schools, NBH Prep School impressed inspectors, who remarked on students’ ‘excellent attitudes to learning’, ‘excellent knowledge and high levels of skill across all areas of learning’ and ‘highly developed study skills’. As pupils transition to senior school, many  ‘achieve scholarship awards in recognition of their academic ability or skills in performing arts, sports and drama’. 

NBH Prep School pupils possess ‘high-levels of self-confidence’, ‘highly developed social skills’ and a ‘strong respect for all’ within the diverse community. Charity initiatives are contributed to with enthusiasm, and some are initiated and championed by ‘individual children’. Sporting activities are popular, with individuals having ‘represented the school in regional competitions’ in a variety of sports. Provision for the arts is equally successful, with work ‘exhibited in national renowned art galleries’ and the school choir becoming ‘finalists in a national singing competition’. 

The outcome of these reports exemplifies the success of North Bridge House in guiding students to find what the school refers to as their ‘True North’ – a direction in life that reflects students’ unique talents and interests, facilitated by a broad-ranging, forward-thinking teaching and learning experience, tailored to the individual.

To learn more about North Bridge House School, call 020 7428 1520 or visit