Ask The Expert: How Important Is Holistic Health, Really?

By Charlie Colville

3 hours ago

It's all about that balance

Think you know what holistic health entails? One of the murkier areas of the health and wellness space, it’s not the easiest topic to navigate. But rather than simply treating symptoms, holistic health aims to promote balance and prevention – making it appealing for those looking to enhance their quality of life while addressing specific health concerns. To give a little more insight into the topic, we asked Siggi Clavien, founder of The Liver Clinic, to fill us in on what we might be missing.

A Guide To Holistic Health

What is holistic health and wellness?

The concept of holistic wellness encompasses ways to improve wellbeing across the body, mind and spirit. This approach recognises that our health is influenced by various interconnected factors, from our diet and exercise habits to our emotional state and environment. It’s about getting to the root cause of your health issues and looking at the full picture.

Are there any common misconceptions around the topic?

The biggest misconception surrounding holistic health is the idea that it’s solely about using alternative therapies instead of conventional medicine. While alternative therapies like acupuncture or herbal medicine can be part of a holistic approach, holistic health also encompasses proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management and maintaining a positive mindset. It also doesn’t exclude modern medicine.

It also means considering how every element of the body works together (and individually) to maintain our overall health. For example, with liver health, we’re concerned with how it can impact other areas of our body when it’s not functioning properly. Within this topic, we’ve noticed a huge misconception that liver health is only related to alcohol – which is not true. In fact, 70 percent of liver disease today is non-alcohol related.

Our liver is one of the most important organs in the body for maintaining our overall health. What does it do?

It is the master of your immune system. It oversees managing and synthesizing all the hormones in your body. It stores and manages your nutrients, vitamins, and proteins. Maintains your energy levels and is directly tied to skin health and cognitive function in the brain. It also produces bile that breaks down fat.


(c) Jovan Vasiljevic, Unsplash

And when there’s something wrong with our liver, how can it impact our health?

It can do a lot more damage than you think. Some of the ways it can impact our health include:

  • Sluggishness
  • Brain fog
  • Weight gain
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Low energy levels
  • Weakened immune system

How do you know when something is wrong with your liver? Can you get it screened?

Often liver disease and excess liver fat go undetected. You can get your liver screened by having a quick easy, non-invasive Fibroscan at our clinic. Blood tests don’t show liver issues until further down the line.

Can a holistic approach to health and wellness help improve the condition of liver disease?

Absolutely. Lifestyle changes such as losing weight, increasing physical activity and adopting a balanced diet can greatly improve the condition of liver disease. Other factors like stress management, avoiding alcohol and taking natural supplements can also offer support. And since liver is the master organ, as it improves there is a knock-on effect for the rest of the body’s health.

What does this tell us about the importance of holistic health and wellness?

We must look at the body as a whole. Including what food we eat, water or liquids that we drink, air we breathe, what we feed our mind, our stress coping mechanisms and very importantly the amount of sleep that we are getting. One must have balance in all for optimal holistic health.

Is there anything else we should know?

We are a greater good company, meaning that we are here to make a positive impact in people’s lives. If you are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer we will treat you free of charge. If you are a school teacher, NHS worker, member of the armed forces or in the police/fire brigade we provide large discounts for scans and products.

About The Expert

Siggi Clavien is the founder of The Live Clinic. The Liver Clinic aims to advance the future of liver health with cutting-edge diagnostics combined with new medical solutions, as well as expert-driven dietary and lifestyle protocols. It is the creator of the all-natural phyto (plant) medicine de-liver-ance® elixir, which took 20 years to develop.