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Win Two PERCKO Tops Worth £198

By Guest Writer

1 month ago

Good news: we’ve teamed up with PERCKO to offer you the chance to win two of their back-relief tops, worth £198. Read on for the details…

Win Two PERCKO Tops Worth £198

PERCKO, a French startup founded in 2014 and launched in the UK in early 2021, was co-founded by Quentin Perraudeau and Alexis Ucko, two Engineering masters students. Inspired by Alexis’ father, a dentist suffering from back pain due to poor posture, PERCKO was created to provide a viable, drug-free solution for back pain. Unlike existing options, PERCKO’s tops are designed to avoid movement restriction and muscle atrophy.

PERCKO’s products comprise a range of medical devices designed to strengthen your back muscles by engaging your posture and encouraging movement. The result? Back pain relief without painkillers. The NHS’s number one tip to deal with back pain is to stay active and try to continue with your daily activities – and PERCKO’s products to help you do just that.

Model wearing a black tank top and a blue overshirt

PERCKO’s tops provide back relief by strengthening your back using the principle of self-correction. The elasticated tensor technology built into the tops reminds you to self-correct (as opposed to a brace locking you in position), working in two different ways: it opens the chest by pulling on the shoulders and realigns the spine and pelvis through support on the lower back.

This self-correcting technology means that the tops don’t constrain your back; on the contrary, they promote mobility. Each is made of OEKO-TEX® certified materials and is comfortable, lightweight, breathable and machine washable.

Competition closes on 18 December 2024.

For more information, visit percko.com