What Does The Autumn Equinox Mean For My Star Sign?

By Olivia Emily

6 months ago

Time to rebalance

Every September, we wave goodbye to summer and welcome the season of crunchy leaves and pumpkin spice lattes with the autumn equinox. This day marks the halfway point between summer and winter – the precise moment when the sun sits directly over Earth’s equator and daytime and nighttime are of equal length. The specific date varies every year, but this year the autumn equinox will fall on 22 September. So do we need to do anything to prepare – emotionally or spiritually?

What Does The Autumn Equinox Mean For Me?

In the simplest of terms, the autumn equinox marks the beginning of autumn, and the midpoint between summer and winter – but it is also imbued with spiritual significance. For everyone, it’s a reminder to recalibrate and find harmony within – to purge anything that sets you off balance and reflect on the things you would like to change in the near future.

How can we prepare for the change? Psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigan from Psychic World recommends: ‘As you get ready for the equinox, take a few moments to jot down the best and worst of your summer, and your biggest hopes and fears for winter. Light a candle to banish the worries and invite positivity.’ But what does the autumn equinox mean for each star sign in particular? Here Ibaal explains what each astrological sign can expect.

The light coming through autumn trees

What Does The Autumn Equinox Mean For…

Aries (21 March–19 April)

‘For Aries, the equilibrium of the equinox may not hold great allure, as they lean towards extremes rather than stability,’ says Inbaal. ‘But do make an effort as the Autumn Equinox ushers in Libra season (23 September–22 October), with the whole month dedicated to finding balance. With every active day, combine a calm day. Given that Libra is your polar opposite on the zodiac wheel, this may come as a challenge, but it’s needed for a steady mind this season.’

Taurus (20 April–20 May)

‘Autumn Equinox is a balanced and elegant time of year, and this speaks right to the Taureans’ soul, as they appreciate peace and equilibrium,’ Inbaal says. ‘A piece of advice for the equinox is to step out of your comfort zone, seize the opportunity presented by the Harvest Moon on the 29th, and make plans for new and unconventional experiences.’

Gemini (21 May–20 June)

‘Summer is their season, as Geminis relish a party or two, and the company of others,’ Inbaal says. ‘The approaching autumn may bring a sense of solitude, which Geminis hate. All the sensible balance of the Autumn Equinox is just plain boring to most, so the twin sign should do their best to reconnect with their inner child and all the things they love about Autumn. Consider booking a trip to view the Northern Lights, or tuning in to a Northern Lights broadcast on your phone to keep things fun and original.’

Cancer (21 June–22 July)

‘The equinox is a solar phenomenon marking the perfect balance between daylight and darkness,’ Inbaal explains. ‘This might not resonate as strongly with Cancers, who are lunar creatures, ruled by the moon. Hence, they are more likely to feel the impact of the Harvest Moon – a time of endings and resource gathering – on the 29th, rather than the autumn equinox, which signifies balance. Emotional Cancers can also be comforted by their favourite autumnal scents, movies and time with their loved ones this season.’

Leo (23 July–22 August)

‘Leo’s planetary ruler is the Sun, and so celestial shifts such as solstices and equinoxes will feel very impactful,’ Inbaal says. ‘The call to bid farewell to the joys of summer behind and embrace the muted tones of autumn is strong, though they can’t help but miss the sunny days. Leos should expect a powerful boost this season as the energetic shift will tap into their curiosity and passion.’

Virgo (23 August–22 September)

‘The very end of Virgo season is when the fall equinox hits – and isn’t it ironic?’ Inbaal says. ‘Under the influence of Virgo, society as a whole has been organised and neat, shedding unnecessary baggage and investing in self-improvement, much like the sign itself. And when the Equinox asks everyone, “are you sure you’re done? Is everything in place?”, Virgos can confidently answer “yes”.’

A hand holding an autumn leaf against a blue sky

Libra (23 September–22 October)

‘As Libra season approaches, get ready to feel right at home!’ Inbaal says. ‘No one will enjoy this cosy season more than the Libra, with everything pumpkin spice upon us, and the fall equinox signals this shift. No shaming of those who want to pull their pyjamas on straight after work. Peaceful moments as the leaves fall are the key to Libra’s happiness.’

Scorpio (23 October–21 November)

‘Secrets are a Scorpio’s safety net,’ Inbaal says. ‘Not big secrets like having two wives, but little secrets like “yeah, I loved Dangerous Liaisons” or “I don’t know my way around Birmingham”. With the arrival of the Autumn Equinox, Scorpios leave summer behind and find comfort in the shadows of winter. It will be a refreshing time.’

Sagittarius (22 November–21 December)

‘The end of summer hits Sagittarius hard, because they love travelling so much,’ Inbaal says. ‘The Equinox calls for a moment of calm and balance, although that is not their vibe as they seek winter sun destinations. Sagittarius should allow themself to be still for a few days, put their phones and passports away and honour the fall season with a few deep breaths.’

Capricorn (22 December–19 January)

‘Capricorn is a business-minded sign who understands that change is a constant, cyclical aspect of life,’ Inbaal says. ‘And so when the time comes to enact change, they seize the opportunity. The Autumn equinox serves as a reminder that what once worked may no longer be effective, signalling the need to adjust your routine.’

Aquarius (20 January–18 February)

‘With their humanitarian nature, Aquarians are always introspective,’ Inbaal says. ‘This Equinox will encourage this idealistic sign to visit new places, and learn new things. They also enjoy being helpful, but will not be conspicuous about it. They like to be well-read, but hate a snob or a show off. So the equinox is right up their alley! Business as usual.’

Pisces (19 February–20 March)

‘As a romantic at heart, Pisces hold high expectations for themselves,’ Inbaal says. ‘The Equinox’s call for balance and self-value is a message Pisces need to hear. The increased likelihood of witnessing the Northern Lights adds an extra touch of enchantment to this autumn season for Pisces.’

A foraging basket full of mushrooms

How To Celebrate The Autumn Equinox

If you are looking for more generic advice as we usher in the new season, classic autumn equinox activities include:

  • Sunrise yoga – greeting the balanced day and night with inner balance and asana alignment
  • Reflection, from journaling retrospectively to carving out your goals for the season ahead
  • Foraging and feasting on the fruits of mother nature – this is harvest season, after all
  • Campfire, drawing on the Pagan autumn equinox celebration, Mabon, which balances light and dark with fire ceremonies

Do The Clocks Change On The Autumn Equinox?

No, daylight savings does not coincide with the autumn equinox. In the UK, the clocks go back by one hour on the final Sunday of October, signalling the end of British Summer Time (BST) and a switch back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This year, the clocks will go back on 27 October at 2am.