Dichen Lachman: ‘There’s A Communal Obsession Around Severance – And I Love It’

By Olivia Emily

2 days ago

The finale is finally here. Here's Dichen Lachman's take on Succession season 2. Spoilers ahead...

The internet is alight – and it has been for two months now – with fan-spun theories about Severance. With the finale now streaming on Apple TV, we sat down with Dichen Lachman who stars as Gemma and Miss Casey to get her thoughts on the finale and the season as a whole. Spoilers ahead…

Interview: Dichen Lachman On Severance

You can currently be seen in Apple TV’s Severance. Can you give an elevator pitch for the show for anyone who might not have tuned in yet?

Severance is a deeply original psychological thriller about a group of people who’ve agreed to have a chip surgically implanted to split between their work and personal lives. It explores identity, grief, and love in such a surreal yet grounded way. It’s unlike anything else out there. It will blow your mind and you won’t be able to stop watching.

You play Gemma – how would you describe her?

Gemma is warm, curious, empathetic… And, at the same time, someone who’s been through a lot of internal struggle. She’s thoughtful, resilient, and emotionally rich. Up until now, she has been very fragmented. Ever present but fragmented. 

What is it like playing her?

It’s honestly a gift. She’s so layered. Unlike the other characters, I didn’t have a lot of time to establish her, so it was also a challenge. We all wanted the audience to really feel for her and that’s a difficult task when you don’t have a lot of time. There’s a quiet strength to her that I found incredibly moving to tap into. 

She’s a character we only really came to meet this season, with Miss Casey being your innie character. What was it like to come to season 2 and suddenly be playing two people?

It was such an interesting transition. Miss Casey and Gemma are fundamentally different, not just emotionally but physically. At the same time, I see Miss Casey is just a part of Gemma… That’s unlocked by the Chip.

Dichen Lachman in "Severance," now streaming on Apple TV+.

Dichen Lachman in “Severance,” now streaming on Apple TV+.

Who is more fun to play, Gemma or Miss Casey?

Miss Casey has this almost eerie stillness that I loved playing with, but Gemma’s emotional landscape is so vast. I think I love them both for different reasons…. I do have a special place in my heart for Miss Casey. She is so deeply wanting to belong.  

Gemma has had a crazy season. What has that been like to watch back?

It was emotional. There were moments, especially around the miscarriage storyline I felt so sad for her. And all the sad tortured innies… My husband Max was very moved and said ‘I know I’m your husband, but I kind of want you to get back with your co-star.’

How have you found the weekly release, and the reaction from viewers?

It’s so fun to watch it unfold along with the audience and give them time to build a community around the episodes: the theorising, the shock, the ‘what did I just watch?’ messages. There’s a kind of communal obsession, and I love it. 

The fanbase is intense. What do you think of the theories that fans come up with while the show is airing?

I think it’s incredible – their attention to detail, the passion. Some of them are so elaborate. It’s so much fun to be part of something that inspires that kind of brain-on-fire engagement.

What’s your favourite fan theory?

That Riken is a goat. Hilarious.

Did you read the full season’s scripts all at once, or did you also have time to theorise? If so, did you come close to guessing the truth?

I got scripts gradually for season two, and I was curious when Gemma would show up. Finally, Dan mentioned that Gemma would have her own episode and that was exciting and scary. 

Were you satisfied with the finale when you read it?

Yes, and am going to be curious to see the response. We also got picked up for another season, so the fans will get to find out what happens next.

Dichen Lachman in "Severance," now streaming on Apple TV+.

Dichen Lachman in “Severance,” now streaming on Apple TV+.

Gemma has been part of this season’s big mystery. What do you think it is about Gemma that Lumon latched onto?

That’s still actually a huge mystery that I don’t have the answer to. I can only speculate and I don’t know if I’m qualified to do that!

What’s next for Gemma and Mark?

I genuinely don’t know, but I’m really excited to see what Dan [Erikson, series creator] does for season 3.

It’s such an intense series. What was filming like?

Intense. The crew and cast are incredibly supportive. You have to hold so much emotion – sometimes you walk away from set and you’re still carrying it… I was so focused most of the time or trying to stay in a space mentally that I only took five behind-the-scenes photos. I’ll have to ask around and get some more. 

Any standout moments?

The reunion scene between Gemma and Mark in the finale. It was so stripped down and raw. 

Anything you can tease about season 3?

Only that… It will be worth the wait…. And hopefully the wait won’t be too long.

What do you think might happen in season 3?

I try not to guess too much, but I have so much faith that Dan Erickson will do an incredible job coming up with exciting things that the fans will love.

It’s been a huge success. What has that been like to be a part of?

It’s wild. You never really know how people are going to receive something that you’re working on, and when it becomes part of the cultural conversation… It’s very rewarding. I’m so grateful to be part of a show that takes risks and respects the audience’s intelligence.

Dichen Lachman

Dichen Lachman (© Amanda Peixoto-Elkins)

What’s been another standout project to date in your career?

Altered Carbon will always be special to me. Reileen was so complex and fierce. It pushed me in different ways. And I loved the world building. I loved being physically challenged. I thought it was a beautiful show that was very well made.

Any other roles in the pipeline that you’re excited about? (If you’re allowed to tell us!)

Well, now I can tell you that Severance season three has been green lit officially by Tim Cook.

Who has been your favourite actor to work with in the past?

I’ve been lucky to work with incredible people in my career, but Adam Scott has such generosity on set. He’s funny, humble, and always present. 

Which co-star did you learn the most from?

Probably Patricia, less about the work and more about being a mom. I think she’s a phenomenal woman.

What’s your dream role?

There are too many to list. But I do love playing strong women. I love action. I would also love to be in something like Downton Abbey, but I don’t know what my odds are there.

What’s a genre you’d like to do more of?

Is it greedy to say I want to do more of it all?

Who is an actor, writer or director you’d love to work with?

That’s a tough one. I think I’m currently working with some incredible people and I want to trust that trend will continue and put that out into the universe.

Anything fun in the pipeline – professionally or personally?

I’m working on a couple of creative projects. I just have to find the time! Like most people, we get caught up in the rat race.

Dichen Lachman Recommends…

I’m currently watching… Paradise, The White Lotus, and The Golden Girls… Again.

What I’m reading… Let Them by Mel Robbins

The last thing I watched (and loved) was… Severance!

What I’m most looking forward to seeing… Severance season 3

Favourite film of all time… A Room with a View (1986)

Favourite song of all time… Too hard to pick one

Band/singer I always have on repeat… Maria Calle

My ultimate cultural recommendation… Get lost in the City of London

Cultural guilty pleasure… ’90s rom-coms. I’ve seen Notting Hill way too many times.


Dichen Lachman stars in Severance. All episodes are streaming now on Apple TV.