Interview: Miriam Petche On Joining Industry As Sweetpea

By Olivia Emily

22 hours ago

Season 3 is streaming now on BBC iPlayer

After it debuted across the Atlantic earlier this year, Industry season 3 is finally available to stream on BBC iPlayer, featuring newcomer Miriam Petche as Gen Z investment banker Sweetpea. We sat down with Miriam to hear all about filming.

Interview: Miriam Petche

Sweetpea Golightly (MIRIAM PETCHE) in Industry season 3

Sweetpea Golightly (MIRIAM PETCHE) in Industry season 3. (BBC/HBO/Simon Ridgway)

Hi Miriam, how’s life going at the moment?

Hi! Life is going well at the moment, just trying to enjoy the last bits of warmth before it gets too cold.

You can currently be seen in Industry season 3  – can you give us an elevator pitch for the show?

Industry in its first two seasons follows a group of young graduates as they navigate the world of finance and the lengths they’ll go to succeed. Season three expands this world, focusing on the future of Pierpoint and the complexities of ethical investing…

You play Sweetpea – how would you describe her?

Her tagline in the script was ‘Gen Z on steroids’, which I think captures her vibe, especially in the first few episodes. While she might initially seem one-dimensional, as the season progresses, you realise she’s much more than that and truly has her finger on the pulse of what’s happening at Pierpoint.
What was it like playing her?

The most fun! When I first read about the character, I was fascinated as to how she would fit into the world of Industry. She adds a new dynamic for the other characters to interact with, especially during tense moments. I loved exploring that during filming. 

Were you a fan of Industry before you auditioned?

Yes! I had seen the first two seasons and then re-watched them while prepping for the part, so stepping into that world on day one felt pretty surreal after having just binged it.

How did it feel when you got the role?

I was so, so happy. I was in the middle of a tech rehearsal for a play at drama school so I had to keep pretty quiet about it. I’m not sure how subtle or chill I was about it, to be honest, but it was a really special moment and one I look fondly back on.

How did you get into character/prepare for the role?

There was a lot of building her backstory. Who would she be as a person in the workplace? What’s her home life like? How does she feel about relationships, about herself, and what’s her take on the world around her? But all of that kind of goes out the window once you start filming, and I love that. You’re challenged to figure out who this person really is and what feels authentic in the moment. So it was really about being open to whatever happens and is asked of you.

Any funny stories from rehearsals or filming?

I don’t have any specific moments in mind, they’ve all sort of blurred into one. However, the days when the entire cast was at Pierpoint filming those long scenes on the trading floor were definitely the best.

What is the cast dynamic like? Who was your favourite person to work with?

I feel really lucky to be part of this cast. Everyone is super supportive and generous, and simply just very good at their jobs. It has been a great place for me to learn and grow as an actor. I feel truly lucky to be a small part of this production.

What has been your favourite project to date?

I’d have to say Industry! Going from drama school straight into filming was the best way to push myself as an actor. Being creatively challenged while feeling supported by everyone around me is something I really appreciate and don’t take for granted.

Any roles in the pipeline that you’re excited about? (If you’re allowed to tell us!)

Not currently! I’m auditioning at the moment and I am very excited about the future.

Who has been your favourite actor to work with in the past?

Miranda Raison worked with me on Vexed, my first professional acting job. I was completely lost as a kid, but she took me under her wing and made me feel valued, like the adult actors. I really appreciated her kindness and look back on that time fondly.

Which co-star did you learn the most from?

I learned something from each of my co-stars, as they all have different skills and talents I was lucky to be around. I’d especially mention Ken Leung – he’s a phenomenal actor who holds the space generously and is a great person too. 

What’s your dream role?

Either a rom-com or a horror.

What’s a genre you’d like to do more of?

Anything horror or thriller-related. But I’d also love to try my hand at comedy – so I guess I’m saying I’m open to anything right now.

Do you get to spend much time at home?

Yes! It’s where I’d love to spend all my time. I am a homebody through and through.

Do you live in the town or the country? Which do you prefer?

I’m from Brighton, where I was born and raised. It means a lot to me because of my friends, family and the sea.

What’s your interior design style? 

I’m still figuring that out since I’ve never owned my own place, but I’m a big fan of the Architectural Digest YouTube channel. I have spent a lot of time on that channel.

How can we all live a little bit better?

Two Brazil nuts every day! Also ginger and turmeric in hot drinks.

Anything fun in the pipeline – professionally or personally?

I’m planning to travel with some friends soon to Thailand so I’m very excited about that.

Miriam Petche, photographed by Craig Gibson

Miriam Petche, photographed by Craig Gibson

Miriam Petche Recommends…

I’m currently watching… Re-watching The Office (US)

What I’m reading… The Crimson Petal and The White by Michel Faber

The last thing I watched (and loved) was… Industry season 3, on BBC now!

What I’m most looking forward to seeing… The White Lotus season 3 

Favourite film of all time… Too difficult. Maybe Parasite

Favourite song of all time… Something by The Beatles

Band/singer I always have on repeat… Currently Joni Mitchell

My ultimate cultural recommendation… Korean food

Cultural guilty pleasure… Korean food


Miriam Petche stars as Sweetpea in Industry season 3. All episodes are streaming now on BBC iPlayer.