Summer Arts Courses for the ‘I Should Have Gone to Art School’ Itch
Don't quit your day job, but schedule in a course after work.
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There is simply more time for things in the summer. All it takes is some sunshine after work to reverse our impulse to trundle home, ingrained by cold weather…maybe there are enough hours in the day after all.
Pick up that skill you’ve been considering, rekindle your school days’ love for art class, make something to remember this summer.
Summer Arts Courses For The ‘I Should Have Gone to Art School’ Itch

Edward Francis Burney, The Antique School at New Somerset House, ca. 1780.
Here are some short, summer art courses to get you scheming.
Royal Academy of Arts
From antique to life: drawing, painting and printmaking inside the historic art school: An intensive, expert-led summer course exploring the traditional teaching methods pioneered by the Royal Academy Schools, including working from antique classical casts as well as life models, exploring drawing, oil painting and printmaking. 23—28 July 2018; The RA Schools, Royal Academy of Arts; £2,400. Includes all materials, light refreshments, lunch each day and drinks receptions throughout the week.
Urban identities: art, architecture and the right to the city: An introduction to the analysis of urban environments, urban creativity and how these factors shape the style and politics of the city. The course examines different visual languages, from graffiti to corporate and public art, in order to understand how the city is used and to whom urban spaces belong. 21 July 2018, 10am — 5pm and 22 July 2018, 10am — 5pm; The British Academy Room, Burlington Gardens, Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly; £360. Includes all materials, light refreshments and a wine reception.
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Chelsea College of Arts
Book Illustration: Hone drawing skills and develop your own visual language in this intermediate/advanced course. Gain an understanding of how you could develop your abilities as an illustrator and what is required in order to show a portfolio to a publisher. The five day course runs sessions on 2-6 July and 13-17 August for £655.
Graphic Design – Concept Development: This course will guide you through the creative process required to produce original, successful design concepts. In a variety of projects, a practicing design professional will encourage you to push your concepts further and take risks to develop personal voice and style. The five day course runs sessions on 2-6 July and 6-10 August for £655.
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John Singer Sargent Cancale
London Fine Art Studios
Students have the option to focus on a different discipline beginning with Foundation and progressing through Figure and Portrait to Landscape or Sculpture or Etching. There is the option to commit for the full four weeks, layering knowledge and skills over the month or to select a single or combination of weeks. Monday – Friday: 9.30am to 3.30pm. Foundation runs 2-6 July; Figure runs 9-13 July; Portrait runs 16-20 July; Landscape/Sculpture/Etching runs 23-27 July. One week, £375-£395; two weeks, £725; three weeks, £1100; four weeks, £1300.
5 Craft Trends for 2018 and Where to Learn Them in the UK
Art Academy London
Kiln Formed Glass: A comprehensive introduction to the various techniques of kiln formed glass as well as a brief study of the history of glass-making. This is an all round opportunity to experiment with ideas and technical glass making skills from a sculptural perspective that progresses to completing an independent project. Monday – Friday, 30th July – 3rd August 2018, 10.00am – 5.00pm, £330.
Portrait Sculpture Masterclasss: Portrait sculpture is a different discovery with every new sitter. This course aims to build upon previous experience to translate life model observations into sculpture. Refresh, renew or find alternative ways of looking through group and individual discussion with your tutor, David Klein, member of the Royal British Society of Sculptors (MRBS) and the Society of Portrait Sculptors (SPS). Monday – Friday, 16 – 20 July 2018, 10.00am – 5.00pm, Intermediate/Advanced, £360
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The City Literary Institute
Recycling Gold and Silver Jewellery: Learn how to recycle your old jewellery and scrap metal into sheet, tube and wire. Discover how to read hallmarks, remove stones and cast metal using crucibles and casting plates. Intermediate level. 23 July – 25 July. 10:30am to 4:30 pm. £119.
Copperplate Calligraphy: Learn how to use pointed pen for writing in Copperplate hand, famous for its fine lines, hand-made quality and romantic overtones. Suitable for both beginners and improvers, left and right-handers. 23 July – 27 July. 6:30 – 9:30pm. £159.
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Slade School of Fine Art
Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal: This masterclass, taught by Liz Rideal, invites you to think, learn and practise drawing in public and private spaces, from example and imagination. You will visit the National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, Wallace Collection and British Museum, and use these collections as inspiration to create your own individual artworks. Confident Level in Drawing, 06 August – 10 August, £390.
Life Painting: Sustained Pose: This course gives you the opportunity to work directly from a sustained life model pose for two weeks. You will also explore the nature of sustained observation and the concepts connected to it. Some experience in drawing and painting required; 27 August – 07 September; £740.
For more summer arts courses, visit
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