The Wildist: What Is The Blue Mind Theory?

By Fee Drummond

6 months ago

Your guide to reconnecting with nature

C&TH‘s editor-at-wild, Fee Drummond, dives into Dr Wallace J Nichols’ blue mind theory.

The Blue Mind Theory: How To Immerse Yourself In Nature

After a summer spent at home on the south coast, in, on or around the water, I have adopted a ‘Blue Mind’, as coined by marine biologist Dr Wallace J Nichols. This is a calm mental and physical state, achieved by living life as a paid-up thalassophile (someone who loves the sea).

The key is to be surrounded by – and immersed in – nature, so much so that it becomes bigger than you. The mind cannot do anything other but submit to the power, beauty and intricacy of this world, and to lose its own ego in the process. Nature is so therapeutically humbling.

Fee Drummond riding a grey horse in the sea

In June, I had the extraordinary privilege of sailing on some classic yachts, where team work, rope and sign language trump digital devices. The intimacy of being part of a team appeals to my tribal instincts. The connected nature of the all-hands-on-deck experience of sailing, watching and waiting for simple signals from the forestay crew, is a truly hypnotic way to spend high quality time.

Manually trimming sails aboard a spectacular classic schooner is something I will never forget. An ever-changing sea, wind and course mean there is no other option than to live fully present in the moment. This is the luxury: spending time while fully concentrated and physically active. Appreciating time as it passes, concentrated on one manual action, while striving as a team to be better… I have no other word than ‘mesmerising’ for this.

Isn’t that the state that we seek the most? In love, in awe, in surprise and wonder? I have learnt that you need to make active choices towards finding life’s mesmerising states. Being lost in comfort and wonder only comes about by choosing what most ignites your soul on fire. These are the moments in today’s world that are so hard to find, but find them in our daily lives we must.

Wild Hacks

Shell on Earth shells in paper box


These recycled crushed shells make a great sustainable compost.

From £5,

Burgundy journal


Do it each morning to offload the minutiae of the mind. I currently use Becoming a Warrior by Intelligent Change.


Seaweed with muslin cloth


Soak in soothing and moisturising Atlantic seaweed from the west coast of Ireland.

Voya detoxifying seaweed bath, £24.