How To Make TikTok’s Cookie Dough Stuffed Dates

By Ellie Smith

3 months ago

Is this the ultimate nutritious treat?

On a January health kick and hunting for tasty snack ideas? You’re in luck: nutritious, homemade twists on classic treats are trending on TikTok right now. Stuffed date recipes are particularly popular on the platform at the moment, with chefs slicing them in half and filling them with all manner of toppings – from nut butters to tahini. The recipe that’s piqued our interest the most, though, is cookie dough stuffed dates, which sees dates filled with a dupe cookie dough concoction, then refrigerated to create the ultimate healthy snack. Give them a go with this recipe.

Are Dates Good For You?

Dates are a fruit native to the Middle East, which also grow in the Mediterranean, Asia and the USA. They are packed with health benefits: rich in antioxidants, loaded with magnesium and calcium, and high in fibre – which is crucial for good gut health. Dates also contain polyphenols, a group of compounds found in plants which help with blood sugar control and cognitive function, and also reduce your risk of developing heart disease. However, the fruit is also high in sugar, so best enjoyed in moderation. 

Medjool dates are an especially popular variety, renowned for their sweet, caramel-like taste. Native to Morocco, they’re particularly high in potassium – one of the most important minerals which is essential for the normal functioning of cells.


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Cookie Dough Stuffed Dates Recipe

We’ve scoured TikTok to create a recipe for cookie dough stuffed dates, which can be easily made with just a few ingredients.


  • 120g almond or oat flour
  • 1 tbsp nut butter
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • A splash of vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • Dark chocolate chips


  1. Mix the flour, nut butter, maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt together in a bowl.
  2. Sprinkle in some chocolate chips.
  3. Slice the dates in half, and stuff them with the filling.
  4. Place in the fridge for a few hours until the mix hardens.
  5. Enjoy!