Little Barwick House – Yeovil, Somerset
5 years ago

A white-washed mix of early Georgian and Victorian architecture, with a huge cedar on the lawn, a glorious garden and fields where ponies graze; Little Barwick House is a quiet delight. It’s one of those highly accomplished yet soothing and unpretentious small hotels where stress levels fall back to zero and tired guests, once installed by the fire (perhaps with a G&T and the prospect of a bottle of Givry with dinner) are comforted, mollified and altogether pepped up. Tim Ford’s uncomplicated, locally renowned cooking (try the saddle of wild roe deer or Cornish red mullet with saffron sauce) is the heart of the operation, matched by his wife Emma’s superb and well-sourced wine list, helpfully divided by taste. Their enjoyment in what they do, and the ease with which they do it, generates the calm, contented atmosphere. Friendly helpers in their own clothes add to the feeling of being in a private, if beautifully orchestrated, home; rooms are also snug and tranquil, with fantastically comfortable beds.
Doubles from £154
+44 (0)1935 423902;