When Is The First Day Of Spring?

By Olivia Emily

1 day ago

A controversial question yielding opposing, passionately defended answers: when is the first day of spring? And when will we emerge from icy, gloomy winter?

Have you noticed the sun rising a little earlier and setting a little later each and every day? And when the sun peeks between the clouds, it does feel a little warmer. While we wouldn’t go so far to say spring is in the air, it’s certainly en route. So when will we officially be able to say spring is here?

When Is The First Day Of Spring?

There are two dates considered the first day of spring: the meteorological first day of the season is 1 March, while the astronomical first day of spring is 20 March 2025. But what’s the difference? (And what’s the truth?)

In meteorology, the year is split into four chunks lasting three months each: spring begins on 1 March and ends on 31 May; summer spans June, July and August; autumn stretches through September, October and November; and winter lasts from December through to February. This makes it easier for climate analysts to compare temperatures and weather patterns, so it’s why you’ll hear weather forecasters talking more about spring as 1 March approaches.

Astronomical spring, however, begins on 20 March this year – though the date varies slightly between years. This is the more commonly accepted ‘first day of spring’, as it coincides with the spring equinox (aka the vernal equinox): when day and night are of equal length. Astronomical spring, then, stretches from the vernal equinox (20 March) to the summer solstice (21 June), which is the longest day of the year. Summer then takes over – even though the days are technically getting shorter – lasting until the autumn equinox (22 September) when day and night are of equal length once again.

But that’s not all: there’s also a phenological approach. This considers the behaviour of plants and animals. For example, spring may begin when daffodils begin to bloom or when the first birds make their nests. The only trouble is this is incredibly difficult to predict and determine – so we will have to settle with meteorology and astronomy.

First Day Of Spring Traditions

Looking to celebrate the beginning of spring? There are a plethora of traditions marking the season across the world. In China, children are encouraged to decorate eggs and try to balance them on their ends; it is thought that anyone who manages this mean feat has a year of good luck ahead of them. Meanwhile in India, the vernal equinox marks the beginning of Holi, an ancient festival all about colour, singing, dancing, togetherness and sweets. In northern Europe, bonfires are common: celebratory now, but traditionally built in preparation for moving cattle and sheep into summer pastures.

Plenty of countries are conscious of the equinox element, and the lighter evenings it promises for the six months ahead. In Mexico, thousands of people gather at the Teotihuacán Pyramid to celebrate, and here in the UK, thousands of people do the same at Stonehenge.

In the UK, spring is inextricably bound up with Easter: chocolate eggs, decorated bonnets, bunny rabbits, roast dinners, frolicking lambs. This is because Easter is astrologically connected to spring: Easter Sunday is always the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal (spring) equinox. This year, the vernal equinox is 20 March, but a full moon (the Pink Moon) won’t rise until Sunday 13 April 2025, meaning Easter Sunday is 20 April.