Recipe: Pique’s Strawberry Victoria Sponge Cake
3 years ago
An easy baking recipe to try this weekend

The Victoria Sponge cake is a national favourite. While the premise is simple: a two-layered, sandwich-like cake filled with jam and cream, with icing dusted on top, there’s a real art to creating the perfect one. But with this easy recipe from catering company Pique, you’ll have a good chance.
Basic Sponge Cake Recipe
Recipe: Pique’s Strawberry Victoria Sponge Cake
2/3 eight-inch tins
- 275g self-raising flour
- 225g caster sugar
- 225g sunflower/veg oil
- 4 x egg
- 4 x tablespoons milk
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- Zest of 2 lemons
Filling and Toppings
- 300mls double cream
- 1 tablespoon icing sugar
- Splash of elderflower cordial
- 1 punnet of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries
- 1 tablespoon of icing sugar for coulis
- Method
- Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees
- Mix all the ingredients together and mix either in a stand mixer or by hand
- Pour into lined tins (the above will do two eight-inch tins so double the mixture if you want to do a three tier)
- Bake for approximately 30 minutes until the middle gives resistance when lightly pressed
- Whilst the cakes are cooking, whisk together the double cream, icing sugar and elderflower cordial until thick. Put into the fridge and let cool.
- Once the cakes are baked, let them cool for one hour.
- Take half the punnet of raspberries and put into a pan with the icing sugar and cook until the raspberries break down and release their juices.
- Transfer to a bowl and blend them gently into a purée, do not over blend. Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds and set aside.
- When ready to assemble, spoon the thick cream in the centre of one of the cakes and spread generously to the sides. Top with the coulis and fresh strawberries and raspberries.
- Sandwich together with the other cake/s and decorate the top with the fresh cream, fruit, and blueberries.
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