Northampton High Welcomes Inspirational Speaker

By Anoop Bhuller

2 years ago

Northampton High School celebrated their pupils’ achievements with an inspirational speech and a prize giving ceremony. 

Mandy Hickson visits Northampton High School for special Speech Day and Prize Giving event

Mandy Hickson visits Northampton High School for special Speech Day and Prize Giving event

The event was a time to ‘reflect on a marvellous year’ and the school was delighted to welcome keynote speaker, Mandy Hickson.

Mandy Hickson spoke about the challenges she has faced as a female fighter pilot. All those in attendance were amazed at her resilience and the pupils were left inspired.

The prizes given out were subject based, celebrating students who have excelled in a given subject. The awards were for English, Mathematics, Science, Languages, Sport and Performing Arts.

Awards were also given to note outstanding leadership and those who excelled in co-curricular activities.

The staff took great pride in watching the pupils celebrate and it was a memorable night for everyone.

Northampton High School have an Open Morning on Saturday 7th October. To book visit