How Do You Become One Of The Highest Scoring Fashion B Corps In The World?

By Charlie Colville

1 day ago

Here's how London-based brand House of Baukjen did it

As of 2024, the UK is home to over 2,000 B Corp brands, pledging to do better for people and planet. Amongst that steadily growing number is House of Baukjen, which recently bagged the title of highest scoring SME Fashion B Corp in the world – placing in the top five global fashion companies. Following the news of this epic milestone, we sat down with founders and husband-and-wife duo Baukjen de Swaan Arons and Geoff van Sonsbeeck to find out how they did it and what’s next for the brand.

The House of Baukjen Team On Their B Corp Journey

Baukjen de Swaan Arons and Geoff van Sonsbeeck

Baukjen de Swaan Arons and Geoff van Sonsbeeck

Hi Baukjen and Geoff, how’s life going right now?

Baukjen: Good. It’s been a bit different for us as we’ve become empty nesters, going from a household of five to two. We’re finding a new rhythm and are going out on our bikes together to do fun things.

Geoff: Yes, Baukjen is right. It has been a bit of a shock to the system, but at the same time, we are very much enjoying our newfound time, discovering and experiencing new things. Business-wise, that never stops exciting us and we definitely have a lot to look forward to.

Can you kick us off by telling us a little bit about yourselves and your brand?

Baukjen: I’m 53, married to Geoff and mother to Oliver, Sebastian and Pippa. We live in North West London with our two dogs Popcorn and Chief. I’ve always wanted the Baukjen collection to be a woman’s wardrobe best friend. One that you can rely upon, that lifts you up, is there for you and works within your life. We’re a London-based business, made up mostly women. Besides Baukjen, we also have Isabella Oliver, a brand for pregnant women.

Geoff: We live by Hampstead Heath and that is just amazing. We love walking the dogs twice a day over the Heath and I also swim every morning in the ponds which is a great way to start any day. And not to forget, we are business partners, committed to using our business as a force for good.

It was recently announced that Baukjen is now the highest scoring SME Fashion B Corp in the world – congratulations! How did you feel when you heard the news?

Baukjen: Very, very proud of our team! It hasn’t been easy. It’s also expensive doing things in the best way possible, but moments like this put a smile on our faces.

Geoff: Yes, over the moon and frankly blown away by the score of 153.6 points as that puts us right behind Patagonia, which is seen as the unquestionable leader in sustainable fashion worldwide. I guess that makes us the Patagonia of the UK and Europe!

Woman in jumper and jeans

What have been some of the highlights in the process? Did you make any big changes you’ve made to get this result?

Baukjen: We design solely into responsible fabrics. If there isn’t a responsible solution, we won’t make a product. And we only manufacture in Europe.

Geoff: It’s really not one big change but a continuous process of making little and larger changes every single day. B Corp really is a journey and every B Corp should be making progress, often two steps forward followed by one step backwards but still, forwards! But yes, we are recognised in four categories as an ‘Impact Business Model’ which is their way of recognising that we are doing things quite different, not just by committing to certain fibres but also by actively engaging in fibre and process innovations, taking risks where others do not. In fact, back in 2021 at the COP26 in Glasgow, the UN also acknowledged our progressive stance when we won the UN Global Climate Action Award – something that had never happened in the fashion sector.

And how would you describe your B Corp journey up until now? Has it been a tough process?

Baukjen: It’s been a steep learning curve. At times I’ve struggled keeping up with all the science, it can be quite complex. But the wonderful thing of working in a team is that each person has their strengths and weaknesses and so you together combat the challenges.

Geoff: Yes, but exciting too. Your heart needs to be in it, the whole team needs to be committed and very resilient if you want to be able to cope with the many setbacks. But the rewards are so much sweeter when you actually become a very high scoring B Corp. We certainly do not think this is the finish line. There is still so much more we can and want to do to show the world that fashion can be responsible without having to cost more. We call that Fashion 2.0.

What would you like Baukjen to be known for?

Baukjen: Our motto is ‘designed for good’. That isn’t just a marketing slogan, it’s at the heart of what we do. Doing the best we can for people and the planet. It doesn’t make life easy but it’s a mission we’re on to make our industry as responsible as possible. Our industry is one of the most polluting in the world, so making big changes and demonstrating that purpose and profit can live together has been our goal.

Geoff: It’s a little cheesy but we believe we can change the fashion sector from within, by leading by example in showing that circular fashion is possible, beautiful and not more expansive. It is great to see so many brands following our lead, whether it is in becoming a B Corp too or by copying our circular model. The more the merrier, as we need Fashion 2.0 to become the new standard.

Woman in jumper, shirt and jeans from B Corp brand Baukjen

Anything exciting in the pipeline? (That you can tell us about!)

Baukjen: For many Autumn Winter seasons, we’ve not been able to make our Christmas party lines glittery, shiny, festive, as we couldn’t source responsible fabrics. It was tough to not be able to offer these but we stood by our principles. This year we’re excited to introduce these into our collection with fabrics like recycled sequins.

Geoff: We definitely have some exciting products coming through, but also innovative fibres and processes we are looking at for next year. We will step up the use of regenerative fibres, working directly with the farmers where possible but we are also looking at category extensions so we can offer even more responsible choices to customers. Trade wise, all our channels are growing fast and after the great success with John Lewis and recently also Marks & Spencer, we are in talks about quite a few other exciting retail and export opportunities so we can bring our collection to even more customers.

We like to pass on the love within the B Corp community – are there any other B Corp brands you think are doing a great job?

Baukjen: Many are! I try to buy from them whenever I can. Examples include Skandinavisk, who sell my favourite hand and body wash (Fjord), Bold Bean Co for their delicious chick and black peas, Manilife for their roasted crunchy peanut butter. I could go on and on!

Geoff: There are well over 2,000 B Corp brands in the UK now, and every day so many new brands are being certified which is great. Go to Waitrose and you will see a B Corp aisle – soon B Corp might become the standard! But in terms of brands, I like Toast brewing, who make beer from discarded bread, and of course Delphis, who make amazing cleaning materials (some even made from food waste). You have to try them.

Woman in blouse and trousers

How do you live a life in balance? And how do you think we can live a life in balance?

Baukjen: I don’t think I’ve mastered balance, so I’m not the best person to ask. I work a lot, but I love what I do, so I’m happy most of the time with the imbalance. Having said that, we strongly encourage our team to have a balanced life and are supportive and respectful of that.

Geoff: Tricky. Business and personal life are so intertwined that it is hard to make a clear distinction. It definitely is not working hours versus non-working hours. Ideas and networking do not stick to working hours either, and that is also the fun. In my previous career I sometimes struggled to get out of bed on a Monday morning, but now I’m out of bed by 6am, eager to go for a swim and walk the dog and then go straight into work. Being so purpose-led really does give you so much more energy and focus. It’s very rewarding.

Anything else you’d like our readers to know?

Baukjen: Please support B Corps where you can. And please join us on Instagram (@Baukjen) as we’re planning to share more behind the scenes of our brand.

Geoff: Please do go and seek out the B Corp logos when you shop – B Corps and the teams and suppliers behind those products went the extra mile to do right for the planet and its people.


Images courtesy of Baukjen