What Your Star Sign Says About Your Sleep Routine

By Charlie Colville

6 months ago

And how to make it work for you

Sleep is an integral part of our wellbeing – and when we don’t get enough of it, we do feel it. While you might have chalked up a lack of sleep to a busy brain, screentime or caffeine, have you considered what role your star sign might play in it all? Knowing our celestial habits – and how to work around them – could be the key to a good night’s sleep.

How To Tailor Your Sleep Habits To Your Star Sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Traits: Energetic, Independent, Adventurous

Filled with excess energy come nighttime, an Aries might find it difficult to create a calming, slumber-inducing routine. ‘Finding it hard to unwind from the day is common for an Aries,’ says Martin Seeley, a sleep expert at MattressNextDay. ‘This can lead to a night of interrupted sleep.’

Martin recommends getting plenty of exercise during the day to shake off any pent-up energy, as well as setting up an ideal sleep environment. ‘Create a distraction free zone to help unwind at night,’ he suggests. ‘A simple, uncluttered space will help clear the mind before sleep.’

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Traits: Grateful, Sensual, Supportive

‘Deep Sleepers, a Taurus appreciates the importance of a good night’s sleep,’ says Martin. ‘But they are a socialite with a busy calendar, which means they’re routine can fluctuate.’

Martin recommends finding and sticking to a routine to keep up a good sleep schedule. ‘Keep to the same bedtime every night to ensure that social events don’t interfere with sleep quality,’ he says. ‘They should also avoid caffeine after 3pm and limit their alcohol intake when socialising.’

As for creating the perfect sleep environment: ‘Investing in high quality items such as bedding, pillows and even calm scents like lavender is perfect for a Taurus.’

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Traits: Versatile, Curios, Impulsive

Prone to disruption, a Gemini is possibly one of the trickier signs to find deep, unbroken sleep. ‘Geminis are light sleepers and easily disturbed throughout the night,’ confirms Martin. ‘Calming their restless mind is the most important thing for this sign.’

This means that creating a distraction-free environment for sleeping is the best way to ensure maximum slumber time. ‘Switch off devices one hour before bed and use white noise to help calm the mind,’ recommends Martin. ‘Keeping a journal beside their bed to jot down any thoughts and ideas is also a great way for a Gemini to “offload” before bed.’

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Traits: Emotional, Nurturing, Imaginative

‘A Cancer can carry a lot of the emotion of the day to bed,’ highlights Martin. ‘So they’ll find activities like meditation will help ease any tension or negative emotion that has accumulated throughout the day.’

Home comforts are also important in helping this sign decompress. ‘Cancers feel most secure in their home environment,’ confirms Martin. ‘They should surround their space with home comforts that they can also take with them if away from home overnight. They can also embrace self-care practices like skincare, a warm bath or even a five-minute yoga session.’

Unmade bed

(c) Annie Spratt, Unsplash

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Traits: Confident, Natural leaders, Loyal

‘A Leo doesn’t tend to sleep for long,’ says Martin. ‘But when they do, they fall into a deep sleep with vivid dreams.’

To make sure they get the most from their sleep pattern, it’s advises that Leos should make their sleep space as pleasing as possible. ‘Make sure the sleeping environment of a Leo is luxurious and bold just like them, so they can feel the maximum of comfort for bed,’ adds Martin. ‘Leos love being the centre of attention and to feel special, so things like silk sheets and indulgent bedding are a must. This is a sign that also gravitates towards gratitude, so keeping a manifestation journal nearby can be helpful for winding down.’

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Traits: Perfectionist, Analytical, Sensitive

Another star sign prone to broken sleep is Virgo. ‘A light sleeper, you’ll find that Virgo is easily disturbed,’ confirms Martin.

To keep a Vigo happy in their sleep space, they’ll want to stick to minimalist touches and calming rituals. ‘Keep a clean, organised space, as a cluttered environment can disturb impact sleep,’ says Martin. ‘Minimalist décor and a tidy bedroom are perfect for a Virgo. Herbal teas, such as chamomile, with a mindful mediation session will also help them relax and let go of daily stresses.’

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Traits: Artistic, Adaptable

‘A Libra tends to experience vivid dreams that wake them up throughout the night,’ says Martin. ‘This, coupled with the fact this sign tends to be a free spirit, means they are most likely to nap.’

As nice a midday nap might be, they’re best avoided if they want good rest at night. ‘Try to avoid napping throughout the day so that overnight sleep is not compromised,’ confirms Martin. ‘They can fill their space with neutral tones and symmetry to promote a sense of calm, and practice a creative hobby before bed that serves as an act of mindfulness.’

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Traits: Intense, Mysterious, Creative

This sign is probably a little too good at getting their slumber on. ‘A Scorpio loves sleep and can lie in until the afternoon,’ emphasises Martin. ‘But not all sleep is good sleep.’

The key to getting a good sleep if you’re a Scorpio is to find emotional peacefulness before bed. ‘A Scorpio is ruled by their heart,’ says Martin. ‘This leads them to feel emotions deeply. Finding an outlet to feel peace is crucial for a Scorpio; try breathwork to clear tension before sleep and to note down any rising emotions in a bedside journal. It will also help to keep the room dark and quiet to avoid all distractions.’

Woman dozing in bed

(c) Cottonbro, Pexels

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Traits: Independent, Honest, Optimistic

This star sign might find it easy to drift off, but a Sagittarius can be prone to broken sleep. ‘Sleep can be restless for them, as they are often dreaming of travel,’ says Martin. ‘It is therefore crucial that a Sagittarius burns off their energy throughout the day, so they do not feel restless at night.’

Quick practices to put the mind at ease, and let a Sagittarius feel like they’ve got it together, can also be helpful. ‘This sign loves to see their accomplishments,’ says Martin. ‘Surrounding the room with sentimental items (like travel mementos) and building a vision board before bed is perfect.’

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Traits: Hardworking, Ambitious, Practical

‘Sleep means a lot to Capricorns, so having deep and disciplined sleep comes naturally to them,’ says Martin.

This is also a sign that is ruled by routine – so sticking to a set schedule can be really beneficial for their sleep schedule.  ‘Keeping the same bedroom habits is perfect for them,’ adds Martin. ‘They’ll flourish with a practical sleeping space; a no-nonsense simple bedroom is what suits them best. And in the wind-down moments before bed, they’ll want to perform a task that uses the mind, such as a puzzle or sudoku.’

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Traits: Unique, Curious, Open-minded

Another sign prone to distraction. ‘Having a creative mind, an Aquarius can be easily disturbed throughout the night,’ highlights Martin. ‘It’s important for this sign to focus on activities that calm the mind – avoiding screens will help a lot.’

Other things that can improve sleep for this star sign include a personalised space and mindful pre-sleep activities. ‘Sleeping with ambient lighting or fun décor is a plus, as an Aquarius will want to make their bedroom unique to them. And really, guided meditation (anywhere between five and 30 minutes) is all they need to navigate an overactive mind.’

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Traits: Supportive, Imaginative, Kind

A good night’s rest should be easily achievable for Pisces, if they have a relaxing environment to surround themselves with. ‘Pisces have a deep, meaningful sleep that is usually filled with dreams from their imaginative mind,’ says Martin.

A sensory reset is the best way to get a Pisces into the right mood for sleep. ‘Soft music, candles and essential oils like lavender will help to create a dreamy place to rest,’ emphasises Martin. ‘They can also promote better relaxation with soft textures and calming colours. And, being a water sign, a Pisces is naturally drawn to water – so a warm bath before bed can be extra soothing for them.’

Featured image: Tom Cleary, Unsplash