Christy: Towels and Bedding That Turn Routines Into Revitalising Rituals
1 year ago
Christy is a Great British Brand 2024

Christy is an entry into our Great British Brands 2024 book.
Christy: Great British Brands 2024
‘When Christy was founded 170 years ago, we wanted every individual to have a piece of luxury. However, today, our products are more than luxury. We embrace the every day. Our job is to provide comfort. We want someone, after a long day, to have the best night’s sleep and to wake up feeling refreshed.
‘I see technology as an enabler. We already use it for creating content and have started looking into it for marketing activities. We want to look at our Trustpilot reviews, what is being said about us online and on social media. We can then learn what is working for us and what is not before looking at a modernised mix and changing our approach accordingly.
‘Next, we’re working with AI on communication. Firstly, we want our chatbots to give tailored suggestions to customers. We also want to use AI for cognitive insight and looking at trends. For example, take a person from Hampstead. I would like our website to give product recommendations based on geographical location.
‘That said, human touch remains essential. We have features coming up on our website, which filter our products by feeling. It is vital that every time a customer is in touch with the brand – from shopping to the opening of a package – that the experience is personalised, seamless and even enjoyable. Good customer service is key. We want to address any concerns, hear everyone out and, most importantly, be transparent and honest. In September 2023, we relaunched Christy. We want to remain current and aspirational while still rooted in our history. We are looking at product extensions and increasing our geographic footprint – we’re entering Japan and considering the USA. However, it all comes back to the main idea: that customers love their Christy product.’
Vanshika Goenka Misra, CEO
Five Proudest Moments
- Ever since Queen Victoria made her first purchase of Christy towels in the 1850s, we’ve been loved by the British royal family.
- Making the towels for the 1987 Wimbledon Championships and continuing to do so every year.
- Celebrating 170 years of the brand in 2020. We had successfully thrived through two World Wars, several economic crashes and even a pandemic or two.
- Receiving a letter from an 86-year-old couple in 2023 who have used and purchased Christy towels since they were in their 20s, and told us how much they loved our products and their quality.
- Seeing our brand relaunch come together last year. Looking through the archives of Christy and realising that we have always been relevant whether in the 1800s, 1900s or even today.
What I’ve Learnt…
- That each time we fail, it is important to ‘fail forward’ and move ahead, be wiser for our mistakes.
- To always stretch the possible and keep following our own North Star.
- Our team and employees are our brand’s ambassadors so it’s essential that the team is happy.
6th Floor, Regent House Heaton Lane, Stockport SK4 1BS
+44 (0)1613 675800