Benenden School Supports Military And Diplomatic Families With Additional Fees Discount
1 month ago

Benenden School, a leading girls’ boarding school in Kent, has created an exclusive fees package for military and diplomatic families in receipt of CEA to reduce the financial burden of top tier boarding fees. Families will receive a 20 percent bursary in addition to the CEA allowance. This is not means tested but is subject to the usual admissions criteria being met.
The Benenden School community appreciates that a stable and supportive environment is vital for military and diplomatic families and there are a number of former military personnel on their staff. They are a thriving boarding school where 75 percent of students stay in school on a Saturday night and many are boarders whose families are based overseas.
The boarding ethos strengthens the teacher-student relationships, as well as the close relationships between the students, and creates a safe and supportive environment which is key to the foundations of successful outcomes. Their ethos of A Complete Education combines an outstanding academic education with exceptional pastoral care and a co-curricular offering that includes a full schedule of activities before, during and after school as well as at weekends. Their weekend programme is one of the most comprehensive in the UK and includes trips and visits as well as many socials with Tonbridge School. Benenden is also one of the few girls’ schools to have a CCF contingent.
Benenden is located just one hour south of London and airport transport is catered for at the beginning and end of term. There are also weekly school-run bus services operating across the South East including to London, Sussex, Essex and Suffolk.