Brake’s Kids Walk: Children Walk for Road Safety
4 years ago

Thousands of schoolchildren are talking part in Brake’s Kids Walk for road safety in June 2021.

With the aim to raise awareness for children to walk safely in their community, the road safety charity, Brake, is running its Kids Walk on 16th June 2021. On average, six children are killed or seriously injured on roads in Britain every day – that’s equivalent to a whole classroom of children every week.
Registration is now open for schools to get involved and access a FREE action pack featuring lesson plans, assemblies, activities, and posters, all brightly illustrated and featuring the popular Shaun the Sheep characters by Aardman.

As well as teaching children vital road safety skills, Brake’s Kids Walk raises awareness among parents and other adults of the need to protect children on our roads. Posters and demonstration materials highlight what children need in order to walk safely in their communities: they need footpaths, cycle paths, safe places to cross, and slow & clean traffic.
Brake has been running walking events for schoolchildren at a national level for more than 15 years. The charity is also behind Road Safety Week – the UK’s biggest road safety campaign each November. This year the Kids Walk is being sponsored by esure, one of the UK’s leading personal lines insurers.
Scott Williams, head of programme delivery at Brake, said: “It’s every child’s right to be able to walk in their community without fear of traffic and pollution. It is vital that children are able to walk safely in the places where they live. This year we hope to inspire as many children, schools and families as possible through our Brake’s Kids Walk event.“
Schools and educators can sign up now at this link.