David Cameron Visits King’s School Rochester
3 years ago

On Tuesday 17th May, former Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party, the Rt Honourable David Cameron, visited King’s School Rochester to give a brief talk and Q&A with Senior School pupils and staff.

Regardless of political persuasion, Mr Cameron was an extremely engaging speaker, sharing with pupils some of the key issues relating to his Premiership, the highs and lows of leading the country and the lessons that can be learned from his experiences.
The School’s Principal, Mr Ben Charles said ‘We were delighted to have the opportunity to welcome the former Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron to King’s on Tuesday. Mr Cameron provided significant insight into the challenges of leadership in a very honest and open manner giving our pupils a greater understanding of what it takes to have the ‘top job.’ We are hugely grateful to Peter, Lord Chadlington, a former pupil of King’s, who worked in collaboration with us to host this important occasion in the life of the school.‘

Our pupils were equally blown away, with Aidon, one of our Sixth Formers, saying ‘Meeting David Cameron was invigorating. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that truly did not disappoint. His approachable manner meant that even the most daring questions we all had in mind could be voiced and answered!‘
The talk was made possible thanks to one of the school’s ex-pupils, Lord Peter Chadlington, who is a huge supporter and benefactor of King’s School Rochester. The session on Tuesday re-starts a series of Chadlington Lectures at King’s, where high profile speakers from a variety of backgrounds come to share their life experiences and career choices in an effort to help pupils find and embrace a career that brings the excitement, satisfaction, challenge and reward they deserve.
See King’s School Rochester’s online listing here.