Eaton Square Prep – A True 21st Century Education
3 years ago

To start the new year and celebrate the upcoming United Nations’ International Day of Education, Mrs Watt, Headmistress of Eaton Square Prep School, shares her insight into what a true 21st-century education really means.
Located in outstanding surroundings in a quiet corner of Belgravia, Eaton Square educates boys and girls aged 2-11. Renowned for its academic excellence and strong 11+ results (pupils wins places at top UK senior schools including Eton, Harrow, Cheltenham Ladies College, Francis Holland, Westminster and more), there’s more to this exceptional prep school than academic success…

Describe an Eaton Square education in 3 words.
Springboard to success.
What should a true, all-round education achieve?
There are so many ways one can answer this question! If I had to choose just one I would say that, for the individual child, a true education is one that enables them to fulfil their own, unique potential (be it in academics, sport, music, art and/or another sphere) in a happy healthy way and equips them with the skills, knowledge and self-awareness required to go out and make their mark in the world.

Here at Eaton Square Prep School, aside from our outstanding academic curriculum, a key way in which we help children achieve this is through our vast range of extra-curricular clubs. From Coding to Cookery, Gardening to Debating, Chess to Ballet, all are fantastic ways for children to broaden their horizons, boost their social development and – ultimately – discover who they are, what they enjoy and what they are good at.
Secondly – and in many ways, a result of the above – a true education should benefit wider society. How? By nurturing a cohort of individuals eager and able to benefit both local, national and international communities and industries. At Eaton Square, aside from our passionate charitable endeavours (scarcely a week goes by without a fundraiser of some sort!), our popular ‘Eaton Cares’ series – a programme of talks given by members of our school community each following an overarching message of ‘Inclusion for All’ – particularly helps drive this sense of responsibility in our pupils.

What aspects of education are particularly important in today’s world?
Without a doubt, mental health, environmental responsibility and digital skills are vital parts of modern-day education. All are high on our Eaton Square agenda.
Mental Health
The happiness of our pupils has always been a priorty. Our pastoral care is repeatedly rated ‘Excellent’ in all ISI reports and The Good Schools Guide said of our pupils, ‘Children are happy here as they have the freedom to be themselves’. We are very proud of our in-house programme for pupil wellbeing, ‘The Listening Space’. This spans solo and group sessions, confidence workshops, mindfulness, problem-solving and even a ‘worry post box’ where pupils can post any concerns they may have in total confidence.
Environmental Responsibility
As last year’s COP26 summit highlighted, we must ensure today’s young people are aware of – and campaigning for – the environment. This is a key part of an Eaton Square education. Impressively for a central London prep school, we have achieved official ‘Eco-School’ status.
Led by our very own pupil-driven Eco Committee (whose enthusiasm for protecting and preserving our planet is remarkable), school life here includes recycling competitions, building bug hotels and participating in nationwide campaigns such as Forest of Promises and Clean Up Your Act. It’s no surprise that we were shortlisted for the 2021 Dukes Education Sustainability Award!

Digital Skills
It goes unsaid that in today’s modern world, an education that lacks digital learning is no education at all. While our Eaton Square academic curriculum maintains a natural emphasis on the core subjects of Maths, English and Science, we hold digital skills in particularly high regard.
Pupils explore coding, computer programming and algorithms during timetabled lessons – they particularly enjoy learning with their Bee Bots (floor robots)! In addition, from Year 3 all pupils have their own individual Surface Go Tablets, enabling familiarity, skills and confidence in the computing skills they will require for life.
How can I find out more about life at Eaton Square Prep School?
Visit us! We warmly invite you to one of our upcoming Open Mornings (Thursday 3 Feb and Wednesday 11 March – to sign up simply click here). I would be delighted to welcome you into our wonderful school and very much look forward to meeting you.
See Eaton Square Prep School’s Online listing here.