The Pupils Running A Half Marathon In Support Of Their Friend

By Anoop Bhuller

11 months ago

Raising money and awareness of male cancer

Sixth Form pupils at Warminster School have come together to support a friend’s battle against cancer.

The boys explained: ‘Earlier this year, our friend Will received some heartbreaking news, he was unfortunately diagnosed with testicular cancer. This was awful news for him and his family as everyone thinks of him as the nicest, most caring boy and like everyone who is diagnosed, he and his family don’t deserve to go through this.’

‘To raise awareness and to support Will as much as we could, we shaved our heads too (with the help of a local barber) and have decided to run the Bournemouth Half Marathon to raise funds for Orchid.’

The Sixth Form pupils supporting their friend

The Sixth Form pupils supporting their friend

Orchid, the UK’s leading charity for those affected by male cancer, works to educate communities, support men with cancer and support researchers.

The boys have already raised £11,400 of the £12,500 target and are documenting their training on Tik Tok.

Will’s mother, Helen, said: ‘We continue to be blown away by the support Will has received from his school friends and locally.’

Headmaster, Matt Williams, commented: ‘We talk a lot about community here at Warminster School, and this is a wonderful example of how it manifests itself amongst the pupil body and in terms of all those who have supported their efforts.’

You can follow their progress here.