St George’s Awarded Eco-Schools Green Flag
2 years ago

St George’s School Windsor Castle have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

Eco Club students display their Green Flag award alongside Teacher, Emily Ralfe
The Green Flag recognises the work of school’s Eco Clubs and the actions they are taking to make the school more environmentally friendly.
Pupils at St George’s School have carried out an environmental review, looking at how eco-friendly their school is. After, the Eco Club lead, Emily Ralfe, planned what they could do over the next year to improve their environment.
Some of the initiatives run by the club include the Electricity Free Day and talking over Castleside Radio to raise awareness of Fairtrade Fortnight.

Members of the school’s Eco Club cut up old uniform for an upcycling project
The pupils also ran a bake sale to raise money for Toilet Twinning, this allowed St George’s to sponsor a toilet block at a school in Tanzania, two latrines in Malawi and helped a community in Kenya to access clean water.
Emily Ralfe said: ‘The award demonstrates our commitment as a school to continuing to look for ways to reduce our impact on the planet and to help raise future generations to be compassionate global citizens with the awareness and desire to take positive action.’
Adam Flint, Eco-Schools England Manager commented: ‘The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all.’