St Joseph’s In The Park Announce Merger With The Mill Hill Education Group
1 year ago

St Joseph’s In The Park has announced a merger with The Mill Hill Education Group.

St Joseph’s In The Park Announce Merger
The independent prep school will join The Mill Hill Education Group through a charity merger.
The Group currently consists of eight schools including Lyonsdown and Keble Prep in North London.

St Joseph’s In The Park pupil
About St Joseph’s In The Park
The school welcomes girls and boys aged 2 to 11 and was founded in 1897.
The staff take pride in ensuring that their pupils are educated in a happy and nurturing environment and aim ‘to bring education to life’.

Douglas Brown, Headmaster St Joseph’s In The Park
Headmaster of St Joseph’s In The Park, Douglas Brown, said: ‘While this development represents a transformative period, rest assured that our school’s fundamental ethos of prioritising a child centred education and cultivating a family environment remains unwavering. This merger will provide our children with the many advantages of being part of a larger group, while preserving our close-knit, intimate nurturing atmosphere. The vision is crystal clear: we are uniting with a prestigious educational family, committed to excellence across all areas of learning.’

Antony Spencer, CEO, Mill Hill Education Group
CEO of Mill Hill Education Group, Antony Spencer, added: ‘Our unremitting focus is to provide the best possible education for all our pupils, and this works best through an effective partnership. I look forward to working closely with Doug Brown and seeing the pupils at St Joseph’s continuing to thrive as we work together with this shared goal.’