Egg-ceptional News From Ludgrove
1 month ago

The start of the academic year saw a break in tradition for all boys’ prep school Ludgrove, when it opened the doors to six girls. Luckily, rather than having to rework our dorms, the newbies moved into their own accommodation in the grounds… a chicken coop.
Ludgrove’s flock of chickens is being well looked after by the newly formed Farm Club, part of Thursday Activities. Mr Green, activity leader, leads the session when his eager group gets to work clearing out the coop, landscaping the outer run and filling feed and water containers. The boys also take turns to handle and make friends with the birds.
During the week, the Farm Club regularly checks the flock is all safe and well and feeds them treats from the Kitchen, such as their favourite delicacy of cabbage leaves. In return for such good care, the chickens regularly provide eggs for Cookery Club – now that’s what we called freshly made!