Elstree Girls’ Discovery Morning
5 years ago

Elstree School, Berkshire, recently made the exciting announcement that, as of September 2020, it is going to become fully co-educational. Additionally, the first ten girls who enrol for a place in September 2020 will be offered the Elstree Pioneer Award*.

Girls are already admitted at Elstree from nursery to year three, but the new move means that girls will be able to join the prep school and stay until the end of year eight.
On 7 March (Saturday) Elstree is hosting a Girls’ Discovery Morning and lunch, open to girls who are currently in years two, three and four. The purpose of the day is for girls and families to experience a taste of Elstree life, see the school and talk to staff. The girls will be given a dance class, spend time on the trampoline and make something in the design and technology labs to take home with them.
The first ten girls who are enrolled to start at Elstree for September 2020, will be awarded the Elstree Pioneer Award*, which equates to a 50 per cent reduction of the day fees for the duration of their time there (Terms and Conditions apply).

Talking about the Elstree Pioneer Award, Sid Inglis, headmaster at Elstree, says it ‘recognises the prep school girls who will help promote Elstree’s positive move to becoming fully co-educational. As our ambassadors, they will benefit from an Elstree education that nurtures our core values and lasts a lifetime.’
Elstree’s Girls’ Discovery Morning is from 10:00am to 1:30pm on 7 March 2020. Friends, sisters and cousins are also welcome, but as activities are age appropriate, they will also need to be in years two, three or four. Parents are welcome to ‘drop and run’, or stay for a tour of the school. Refreshments will be served again at 12pm, followed by a buffet lunch for girls and their families. Those wishing to attend can do so by visiting here or by contacting the Registrar on T: 01189 713 302.
Elstree was founded in 1848. It is a co-educational Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School for children aged 3-13, offering flexible boarding from 8. Set in idyllic grounds of 150 acres, in Woolhampton, Berkshire, only an hour by train from west London, Elstree offers a secure and stimulating environment for children to be nurtured and inspired.
Visit Elstree’s School House listing here
*Terms & Conditions of Elstree Pioneer Award
i) Eligibility: The Elstree Pioneer Award (the “Award”) will be given to the first 10 girls whose parents accept a place for them in Years 3, 4 and 5 to start at the School in September 2020. The Award is on offer on a first-come-first-served basis, with the selected 10 girls being the first 10 in respect of whom the School received both a completed Acceptance Form and payment of the deposit required under the Parent Contract.
ii) Value of the Award: The Award equates to a 50% reduction of the School’s day fees only for the duration of the pupil’s time at the School.
iii) Obligations of the pupil: A pupil who is the subject of the Award is required to work hard, to comply with the School Rules and Terms and Conditions, to uphold the aims and good name of the School and to contribute positively to the life of the School.
iv) Obligations of the parent/s: The parent/guardians are expected to support and encourage the pupil to fulfil the pupil’s obligations set out above, and to uphold themselves, the aims, rules and good name of the School. The parents/guardians are required to pay the balance of the account by the first day of term.
v) Withdrawal of the Award: The Award may be withdrawn by written notice sent to a parent/guardian if, in the opinion of the Board of Governors, the pupil or parent/guardian has not met the obligations set out in paragraphs iii and iv above or otherwise the pupil has fallen below the required standards of conduct and progress and in the opinion of the Governors there has been no significant improvement following consultation with a parent/guardian and/or the pupil. It may also be withdrawn in the event that the balance of the account remains unpaid 28 days after a written reminder has been sent to a parent/guardian. Withdrawal of the Award shall take effect from the start of the following term.
vi) Fees in lieu of notice: The benefits receivable under the Award will not apply to any term for which the School has required payment of fees in lieu of notice.
vii) Parent Contract: These Terms And Conditions Of The Elstree Pioneer Award should be read alongside the School’s normal Terms and Conditions which remain in force except insofar as the Award affects the requirement to pay fees.