Google Reference School Status
3 years ago

St George’s Ascot has been awarded Google for Education Reference School status

SGA is committed to pushing the boundaries of learning by embracing innovation and technology. The work invested over four years has paid dividends, and, combined with traditional teaching methods provides a stimulating mode of teaching and learning.
St George’s Ascot (SGA) pupils and staff have been using Google for Education tools since April 2018 which fortuitously this set the school up very well to manage during remote schooling through the Covid-19 pandemic period of disrupted learning.
All members of the St George’s community use the Google Suite of apps for teaching and learning, innovation, administration and communication purposes, and the level of skill and experience among the staff and pupils is impressive.

Over the summer holidays SGA was delighted to be informed they have obtained the highly prestigious Google for Education Reference School status. This is the result of an enormous amount of work among the staff using Google tools and puts the school in a prestigious group of leading Google schools across the world.
This will mean staff and pupils are involved in pioneering the transformational learning of SGA pupils, providing advice to other schools on how to best use new technology in the classroom, and having early access to new technology and industry leaders in learning innovation. Despite this excellent accreditation, staff are certainly not resting on their laurels. The teaching staff are also exploring other technology via the staff teaching and learning group and each department has been working on TIEPs (Teacher Innovation Exploration Plan) with the aim of finding new ways of using technology to increase efficiency.

With the original stock of Chromebooks approaching ‘end of life’, the school has also invested in a new set of Chromebooks for pupils in Years 7 to 11 and staff, which are once more being provided by the School, and are being issued this week.
Head of Learning Innovation, and Modern Foreign Languages, Miss Elodie Pierre said –
“[Through teaching pupils from Year 7 upwards, and continuously developing the skills and capabilities of staff] we are building a group of Google digital leaders”.
She went on to say the school is – “…looking forward to another year of Edtech ahead of us”, as well as working proactively with the community of reference schools, and other schools wishing to develop their capabilities in this sphere, and underpins the philanthropic and welcoming culture presented by the school to others, including fellow educators.
See St George’s Ascot’s online listing here.