Reading is at the Heart of the School
6 years ago

Kensington Prep School has completely revamped and transformed its library, not only to put reading at the heart of the school, but also to help children discover the joy they can find in books, which so surpasses that of an iPad or computer!

Headteacher at Kensington Prep, Mrs Hulme-McKibbin says ‘The key to encouraging children to read is to make it a comfy, enjoyable experience. Most adults read in comfortable places, so why not make a cosy environment for children too?’

Part of the ‘Creating Spaces for Growing Minds’ programme, the library has been fitted with all sorts of cosy corners for children to curl up in and loose themselves in the books they read.

Kensington Prep are keen to make reading every bit as exciting as the digital screen. A man who has given hours of literary pleasure to countless children, Roald Dahl, would be most impressed! He often implored adults to encourage children to read, and take heed of his, now, immortal words, ‘So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,Â
Go throw your TV set away,Â
And in its place you can installÂ
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.’
We must congratulate Kensington Prep for this great achievement, and hope other schools will follow suit!
Kensington Prep is an independent day school in Fulham for girls aged 4-11. It was the first school to be established in the Girls’ Day School Trust. You can find their School House listing here.