Khadijah Mellah Wins At Goodwood
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A Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) student has had a fairytale win at Glorious Goodwood. Khadijah Mellah, came first in the Magnolia Cup, a charity horse race for amateur women.

The teenage jockey, aged 18, became the first Briton to race competitively in a hijab. One of the first to call and congratulate her was headmistress at Sydenham High School, Katharine Woodcock, who says ‘Khadijah has always had great spirit and determination.’
Khadijah, who will get her A-Level results in Physics, Maths and DT later this month, said, ‘It’s a nice change to see someone who isn’t typically racing to be racing. There are definitely a fair few guys out there who would struggle to do what I am doing and I am thrilled that I am part of shift in social understanding of what women can achieve and what they can be good at.’
Khadijah has become a news sensation, and we would like to join the masses who are, rightfully, congratulating her on such a stunning performance. Keep breaking boundaries Khadijah!!!