Sherborne School Graded as Excellent
2 years ago

Sherborne School has been graded by the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate as Excellent.

The visit was focussed on two key areas: the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development.
During the three day inspection, they observed lessons, looked at exam results, visited the boarding Houses and had interviews with the boys, staff and governors.
Inspectors pointed out that the school has a well-developed sense of community and pupils were kind and respectful towards one another.
Headmaster and CEO, Dr Dominic Luckett, said: ‘I am grateful to all those – boys, parents, staff and governors – who contributed to this superb outcome and hope that the whole Sherborne community feels a great sense of pride in being recognised as a thoroughly excellent School and a close-knit community of kindness.’
You can view the full report here.
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