St Peter’s York Supporting Ukraine
3 years ago

St Peter’s School, York, organised a Day for Ukraine on Wednesday 23 March, with staff and pupils of all ages encouraged to wear the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Pupils and staff alike had been looking for opportunities to support the people of Ukraine, so the school decided to organise a non-uniform day on 23 March to raise funds for those who have been displaced by the conflict.
Each pupil donated £1 on the day and, with additional donations from parents, over £2,000 has already been raised for the appeal across the whole school.
For as long as the conflict lasts, the school has taken the decision that their fundraising in Chapel should be given to the Red Cross to support their work in Ukraine.

St Peter’s School is also collecting essential items including blankets, toiletries, First Aid kits, nappies and baby milk formula which will be transported to refugees from Ukraine to provide practical help where it is most needed.
Jeremy Walker, Head of St Peter’s School, York, said: ‘The whole school community has come together in solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine. We are also working with families of current and prospective pupils from Ukraine to do all we can to provide assistance with studying at St Peter’s. The response from everyone at St Peter’s, from the youngest pupils to the oldest, parents, staff and alumni, comes straight from the heart and we hope and pray for a peaceful resolution.’

Not only is the school making a collective effort but one of its pupils, Isla has written a song for Ukranians in their strife. The 11-year-old was inspired to write Nightingale Song for the people of Ukraine after hearing about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the news.
Isla says: ‘I was inspired by the Ukrainian people who are standing up for what they believe in. I find this really powerful – they are an inspiration to me and an inspiration to us all. I also wrote the song to comfort the Ukrainian people who are suffering because of the war.’
Isla hopes to raise as much money as possible for the UNICEF UK Ukrainian appeal through the sale of her song.
Those who wish to support the appeal are encouraged to buy the song on iTunes, as it raises more money than listening to other streaming platforms. You can find the song and donate by searching for Nightingale Song by Isla Hannett on iTunes.
See St Peter’s York’s online listing here.