Teenagers During Coronavirus Isolation
By School House
5 years ago

Many parents may be feeling anxious about the prospect of schools closing in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus. In addition, isolation from the peer group is likely to be difficult for teenagers and parents should be particularly vigilant around those who might be vulnerable to mental health problems.
Alicia Drummond, founder of Teen Tips, gives her advice and tips on how to support teenagers should they find themselves isolating at home.

- Cognitive restructuring during adolescence leads many teens to think they are omnipotent and unlikely to be affected by the coronavirus.  It is therefore particularly important to ensure they understand why guidelines need to be followed, for example, the risk of spreading infection to elderly relatives who may be more likely to develop serious symptoms.
- Anxious teenagers will need you to be calm and considered when discussing the virus. Explain that precautionary procedures exist to delay the spread of the disease which will help the health service cope. It does not have a high death toll relative to other diseases but it is being carefully managed because of the potential impact on people’s jobs and livelihoods.
- Protect grandparents from the virus by forming a childcare pod with other families. This has the added benefit of preventing teenagers from becoming isolated. Keep it as a closed group so that if anyone becomes ill the spread of infection is limited.
- This is not a bonus holiday. It is still term time so create a structured timetable for the day which includes time for learning, creating and exercise.
- Some schools will live stream lessons, but if your school doesn’t, the IXL site has lessons for all ages and you can share the cost of a membership across your parent pod.
- Encourage them to develop a new skill – learn piano on the Magic Piano app; coding with Raspberry Pi; try a new language with Duolingo; digital art on Medibang or introduce them to photography and make a pinhole camera. Spark creativity with the DysonFoundation.
- Involve them in household chores to encourage independence. Learning to cook is a great life skill and creates opportunities to chat in a relaxed way.
- Get out the cards and board games – for once in our lives we might all have time to stop and play. Current favourites are Monopoly Deal, Dixit and Racing Demon for card lovers.
- Being confined to home may be stressful for everyone – taking time out for a little mindful meditation will help everyone stay calm. Calm or Headspace are good apps.
- Allow time for social media and gaming which helps them stay connected with friends but have a screen contract in place to prevent overuse.

Alicia is the founder of Teen Tips. Teen Tips works with parents and schools to help them create environments which meet the social and emotional needs of young people.