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Adcote School for Girls

By Coby F

4 years ago

Adcote School

Address: Little Ness, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY4 2JY
Website: adcoteschool.org.uk
Founded: Adcote School was founded in 1907 by the pioneering Amy Gough, whose vision was to provide excellent schooling for young women.
Number of Pupils: 200
Ages: 7-18
Fees: Prep School –  From £3,047; Senior School – From £4,946; Sixth Form – From £4,946
Head Teacher: Diane Browne
Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational
Entrance Procedure: Non-selective
Contact: 01939 260 202
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Open Days are held throughout the year but ‘Every Day is an Open Day’ at Adcote School so prospective parents are welcome to visit the school at any time by appointment. Contact: Kim Wakenshaw, Head of Admissions: [email protected]

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The Curriculum

We have a long tradition of providing outstanding education to girls of all abilities, with a strong reputation for nurturing talent and expanding confidence in all the students under our care with our small class sizes and broad curriculum.

Games & the Arts

We offer a range of sports, extra-curricular activities, music concerts and drama performances throughout the year. These activities take place beyond the academic curriculum and form an integral part of the ethos and school life at Adcote.

Pastoral Care

Here at Adcote School our pastoral care and support is excellent. Each area of the school has a Head of Section (Prep, Senior and Sixth Form) and there is a Head of Student Services and a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, for specific concerns. A counsellor comes to school each week if the girls wish to speak to someone from outside of school.

University Places

76% of our Sixth Form students access their first-choice Universities.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Educating girls in a gendered environment specialising in their academic, emotional and physical needs, brings out the very best in young women. Put them in the right environment, nurture them with an effective character building curriculum such as our CLEAR Learning programme and they will thrive and be happy.

Outstanding Characteristics

  • ISA Senior School of the Year
  • Our national award-winning CLEAR Learning Programme provides robust, whole-child education, equipping our students with the necessary skills to thrive and be happy in their futures.
  • Top ‘value-added’ school for A-levels in Shropshire
  • Only all-through girls’ school in Shropshire
  • The first school in the country to offer a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) qualification for Sixth Form students.
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