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Cottesmore School

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: Cottesmore School, Pease Pottage, West Sussex RH11 9AU
Website: cottesmoreschool.com
Founded: 1894
Number of Pupils: 200
Ages: 4-13
Fees: (termly) prep boarding, £9,932; day boarding, £6,542;
pre-prep, £3,494 – £4,659
Head Teacher: Tom Rogerson
Religious Affiliation: Church of England
Entrance Procedure: Interview with Head, previous term’s report and an English and Maths assessment if necessary
Contact: Lottie Rogerson
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Open mornings: 10am, 24 Sept and 3 Dec 2022 Virtual 1:1 coffee breaks available with the Headmaster

The Curriculum

Cottesmore achieves excellent academic results. The strength of Cottesmore’s academic programme lies within its breadth. There are 21 different curriculum subjects taught. Through this rich variety of intellectual experience, each girl and boy finds their particular strength and this in turn lifts their academic potential.

Games & The Arts

Cottesmorians are equally likely to be found on the stage, the games field or in the art and design studios. A dizzying array of activities and hobbies give each individual pupil confidence, making strong academic results more achievable.

Pastoral Care

Every new boy or girl is given a ‘shadow’ or buddy who looks after them when they first arrive. Every pupil is matched with, and becomes, a peer mentor or ‘listening ear’. Each pupil has a form tutor (daily logistics), a pastoral tutor (wellbeing), a matron (domestic) and a house master or mistress. Every adult at Cottesmore contributes to the wellbeing of every child.

Recent Scholarships

Eton College, Downe House, Harrow, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Radley College, Benenden, Winchester College, Wellington College, Marlborough College, Charterhouse, St Edward’s and other top schools.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Everyone has a talent. Whatever creative or academic outlet makes a child tick, Cottesmore finds and nurtures it. Endeavour and fun are the most important elements of intellectual life at Cottesmore. Success follows an explosion of discovery and purposefulness.

Outstanding Characteristics

Cottesmore is an award-winning academic boarding prep school for boys and girls in West Sussex, less than an hour from London. Cottesmore provides a coach service to SW London, which is popular with London families. Cottesmore has been preparing children for major public schools since 1894 and continues to provide excellent preparation for senior boarding schools who share Cottesmore’s belief in nurturing a rounded, dynamic individual.