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Eaton Square Nursery Schools

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: 55-57 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PH
Website: eatonsquareschools.com
Founded: 1981
Number of Pupils: 40
Ages: 2–4
Fees: (termly) from £4,090
Head Teacher: Trish Watt
Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational
Entrance Procedure: Non-selective. Places are extremely sought after and offered on a first come frst served basis.
Contact: Registrar; 020 7225 3131
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Regular Open Mornings. Private tours or meetings with the Head of Early Years and/or Headmistress can be arranged.

Watch the video to find out more…

The Curriculum

Calm, energizing and filled with opportunity to learn through play, these now iconic nursery schools have been expertly designed to nurture children’s fine and gross motor skills, maths skills and phonics. The Early Years Foundation Stage is followed through a blend of play-based activities that are both adult-led and child-initiated, creative and active, indoor and outdoor.

Games & The Arts

An impressively broad range of extra-curricular activities, including ballet, yoga, swimming, music, gardening and karate. Children enjoy getting outdoors, with daily trips to ES’ private park in Belgravia, alongside regular visits to Battersea Park. Children even enjoy a Christmas trip to Father Christmas in Hyde Park and day trip to the seaside in their final term of Nursery.

Pastoral Care

ES pastoral support rated ‘Excellent’ by all recent ISI inspections. A child-centred, safe, happy, vibrant and nurturing learning environment; where each child is given every possible opportunity to thrive. Passionate and qualified Early Years teaching staff are committed to developing each child’s fundamental skills, values, happiness and identity.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

A child’s learning environment shapes their learning experience. This is particularly true during the Early Years, when children are experiencing their first taste of more structured education. At ES, not only will they begin to learn to read, write and use numbers with confidence, they will also develop fundamental skills, values, confidence, friendships and independence. All these are attributes that will last a lifetime.

Outstanding Characteristics

Complete with a magnificent indoor treehouse and three-storey bee-hive in which to climb, there is scarcely a family in SW London who hasn’t heard of Eaton Square’s brand new Nursery Schools, re-launched by Anya Hindmarch CBE in September 2022. Learning through play is an absolute priority, as is happy, healthy children. Located on the ground floor of the prestigious ES Prep School on London’s historic Eccleston Square, ES Nursery pupils benefit from priority access into Reception.