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Parsons Green Prep School

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: 1 Fulham Park Road SW6 4LJ
Website: parsonsgreenprep.co.uk
Founded: 2001
Number of Pupils: 150
Fees: (termly) £8,685 to £9,360
Ages: 4–11
Head Teacher: Dr Pamela Edmonds
Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational
Entrance Procedure: Selective
Contact: Mrs Ferne Watts – Admissions Registrar – 0207 610 8085
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: May and September Saturday Open Days, Drop-in Mornings each half of term and individual tours

The Curriculum

An Early Years curriculum through to the 11+ enables rapid progress and pertinent challenge leading to high attainment. Specialist teaching in French, music, art and PE with STEAM and an all-embracing core curriculum to maximise progress. Advanced French programme for fluent speakers.

Games & The Arts

National ISA and IAPS tournaments and local fixtures in football, netball, tag rugby, cricket, hockey, swimming and skiing. A creative art curriculum, art club, exhibitions and entry to national art competitions. Instrument lessons and LAMDA examinations.

Pastoral Care

A deep-rooted culture of effective pastoral care and focus on pupils’ mental wellbeing. The children have fun, are happy, make friends and learn in a personalised, secure and safe environment. ‘They display extremely high levels of emotional maturity and are highly understanding and empathetic of others’ feelings.’ ISI, May 2022. ‘Those who are searching to nurture and inspire happy, confident children – look no further.’ The Good Schools Guide.

Recent Scholarships

Academic, ballet, sport and art scholarships to selective schools in London.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

A drive for academic excellence within an adaptive ethos that enables high achievement. Encouragement to balance the school’s broad curriculum with co-curricular activities and make intellectual connections, think critically and have the confidence to collaborate and communicate effectively. 

Outstanding Characteristics

A standalone prep school that maximises attainment across the breadth of academic, sporting, music, drama, art and co-curricular activities, including an accelerated French programme. High-quality spacious premises, outdoor classroom for Reception, dedicated STEAM, music, library and IT facilities. ‘The quality of pupils’ academic, and of personal development, is excellent.’ ISI, May 2022.