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Sherborne School

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: Abbey Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3AP
Website: sherborne.org
Founded: 1550
Number of Pupils: 600, boys only
Fees: (Per term) Day – £11,095; Boarding- £13,995
Ages: 13–18
Head Teacher: Dr Dominic Luckett, BA, DPhil, FRSA, FHA, FCCT
Religious Affiliation: Based on Christian values
Entrance Procedure: In the Michaelmas Term of either Year 6 or Year 7, registered boys sit the ISEB pre-test for Sherborne.  Our formal Assessment Day takes place early the following term, after which we make our place decisions and offers.  That, together with subsequent events, provides the boys with ample time to familiarise themselves with Sherborne.  The deadline for submission of House Preferences is midway through the Lent Term of Year 8, with boys sitting Common Entrance in June, if applicable, which we use for setting purposes.
Contact: 01935 812249
Email: [email protected]

The Curriculum

Everyone deserves a chance to shine, whatever their interests and passions. That is why we deliver a balanced curriculum, where choice is central, and the individual learner is given priority.


A Sherborne education feeds mind, body and soul. Thanks to our full-boarding environment, we create regular opportunities for boys to expand their horizons, offering an outstanding breadth and quality of experiences that complement their academic studies and set them up for life.

Pastoral Care

In our full-boarding environment, pastoral care is at the centre of everything. We are committed to the wellbeing of every boy in our community and have wide-ranging systems in place to ensure they receive all the care, support and attention they need to thrive. Pastoral care at Sherborne starts in boarding Houses where the staff know the boys so well they are attuned to differences and work together to respond. They liaise closely with parents, building strong relationships of mutual trust and a shared concern for boys’ wellbeing.

University Places

Most boys will have ambitions for Oxbridge or a Russell Group university.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Sherborne is a school defined by our commitment to the flourishing of every single boy. We are a strong community, in which intellectual inquiry is prized, sporting achievement celebrated, and artistic and musical endeavour deeply valued. We are a community in which kindness and compassion take centre stage. We foster the conditions in which boys learn how to look out for their friends and neighbours, in which they develop habits of consideration and politeness that prepare them for the rest of their lives. We are a community of the future, inspired and empowered by the rich heritage of our past.

Outstanding Characteristics

Founded by King Edward VI in 1550, we are one of just a few full-boarding, all-boys schools in the UK and this, together with our strong partnership with Sherborne Girls, is what makes Sherborne School special. Sherborne is an ideal location, giving the opportunity for all to develop in a secure environment whilst encouraging each boy to become self-reliant, confident and kind. We offer a first-class academic education and aspire for our boys to be empowered to make an impact in the world.