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St Augustine’s Priory

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: Hillcrest Road, Ealing, London W5 2JL
Website: sapriory.com
Founded: 1634
Number of Pupils: 488
Fees: £11,529 – £16,398
Ages: 3-18
Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Raffray MA NPQH
Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic
Entrance Procedure: Nursery – Year 2, classroom assessments; Years 3-5, formal written assessments in English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning and will also spend time in the classroom as part of the entry process.Senior School for 11+, Selection Day, 15th January 2021. Candidates will sit exams in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and participate in a Creative Task. Interviews will also take place on Selection Day; Sixth-Form, will be invited for an interview on Selection Day and should bring a copy of their predicted GCSE grades and/or results of their recent mock examinations.
Contact: Georgina Savic
Email: [email protected]
School Visits:Whole School Open Morning 7th March and 26th September 2020. Private tours are available upon request.

The Curriculum

We offer girls a broad and balanced curriculum with specialist teachers across all subjects. We encourage girls to be creative, independent learners and critical thinkers.

Games & The Arts

We nurture all girls’ musical talent by providing solo and ensemble performance opportunities. The Drama Department develops individuality, encouraging students to express themselves with flair, confidence and encouraging tolerance. The PE Department’s focus is on applying skills to sporting performance and leadership.

Pastoral Care

PSHEE and Citizenship is delivered through the curriculum and is an integral part of the pastoral support in the school. The school counselling service at St Augustine’s Priory has offered its pupils the opportunity to talk to a counsellor and play therapist about troublesome feelings or others issues that are getting in the way of self-esteem, relationships or learning. 

Recent Scholarships

Art, drama, music, sport, modern languages, STEM and academic scholarships offered.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

‘We pride ourselves on teaching life-long habits of wellbeing like no other school, building on the most up-to-date research as well as old fashioned common sense. As a catholic school, we promote “an attitude of gratitude” through prayers and assemblies, and teach pupils to be alert to the beauty around them.’

Outstanding Characteristics

St Augustine’s Priory is Ealing’s top performing catholic girls’ school, hidden in 13 acres of beautiful grounds it is also home to a student-run school farm with chickens, pigs and sheep.