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The Abbey School

By Coby F

3 years ago

The Abbey School

Address: 17 Kendrick Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5DZ
Website: theabbey.co.uk
Founded: 1887
Number of Pupils: 1,106
Fees: £3,240–£5,240
Ages: 3–11
Head Teacher:Mrs R S E Dent BA, QTS
Religious Affiliation: Christian foundation, welcoming girls of all faiths and none
Entrance Procedure: Assessment from 3–6 years, entrance test from 7–9 years, entrance examination for entry into Year 7 and Year 12.
Contact: Mrs Sally Russell
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Senior School Open Evening 22 September 5.30–8.30pm. Junior School Open Morning 7 October 9.15-11.00am. Sixth Form Open Evening 12 October 6.00-8.30pm. Private tours available.

The Curriculum

A stimulating and dynamic curriculum enables girls to follow their curiosity and develop a passion for learning. The Abbey is NACE-accredited in recognition of its provision for gifted and talented students. IB and A-level offered at sixth form.

Games & The Arts

Sport, music, art and drama play a central role in life at The Abbey, whether girls are performing at national standard or recreational level. Two all-weather pitches, bright, airy art studios and a theatre artist in residence contribute to a comprehensive programme that challenges, inspires and encourages pupils to aim high.

Pastoral Care

‘The school places the education and welfare of the whole person at the heart of its provision for each pupil, and the aim of ensuring that each girl is known as an individual is very well met. Pastoral care is exceptionally well managed throughout the school.’ ISI Report October 2014

University Places

Girls gain places on competitive courses at prestigious universities in the UK and overseas.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Our students need to prepare for a future that will be dynamic and ever-changing. Personal skills such as confidence, flexibility and resilience will be as important as the academic qualifications that will secure our girls the futures to which they aspire in the global workplace. We want our girls to feel they can contribute in all walks of life and that no choice is beyond them. We also want them to care and have ownership over their world and instil their values into future generations.

Outstanding Characteristics

The Abbey is a warm and welcoming community where exceptional academic results are achieved in a supportive pastoral environment. Girls develop a balanced approach to life and learning that enables them to live successful and fulfilling lives.