Address: The Moat School, Bishops Avenue, Fulham, SW6 6EG
Founded: 1998
Number of Pupils: 128
Ages: 9-18
Fees: Academic Year (2020/2021), £11,515 per term, £34,545 per annum
Head Teacher: Mr. Koen Claeys
Religious Affiliation: N/A
Entrance Procedure: Contact Admissions Registrar, a meeting and tour with the Headmaster and Registrar and two ‘Acquaint Days’.
Contact: Admissions Team
School Visits: Open days are once a term and you can sign up for upcoming days on their website.
The Curriculum
At The Moat School the curriculum offers learners the opportunity to access a broad and balanced educational experience, designed to meet national, local and individual priorities. The timetable has been specifically designed by our Leadership Team with the aim of equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary for living and working in today’s rapidly changing society.
Games & the Arts
The Art Department seeks to enable all pupils to realise their creative potential and gain an insight into their individual understanding and engagement with the world.
Art, Design & Photography gives pupils the opportunity to respond creatively to their experiences and environment, to gain an understanding of other artists’ work and to express their ideas and feelings in a visual way. It also helps to build confidence and self-esteem.
Pastoral Care
Many young people have endured negative attitudes and lack of esteem in their school lives and we are available to help redress the impact of these effects in their time with us at the school.
Pupils are able to self-refer through different means of access, including email and a post-box. Teachers, support staff and other school therapists may also suggest a counselling approach. Parents are always welcome to discuss aspects of well-being at school and at home, with the school counsellor. The school counsellor offers therapeutic support which is especially beneficial for pupils transitioning either from Year 6 to Year 7 or from Year 11 to post 16.
Recent Scholarships
The Brit School
DLD College
Esher College
Head Teacher’s Philosophy
Welcome to The Moat School. We are a relatively small school with huge aspirations. At the end of their time with us, we would like every pupil to have found their passion in life. All pupils at The Moat have unique learning profiles and our staff are all qualified to help them with their Specific Learning Difficulties.
Our young people are involved in a wide range of activities here at The Moat; as well as subject specific trips to museums and galleries we offer full school extracurricular activities, working alongside groups such as the Tall Ships Youth Trust, Duke of Edinburgh Award and Barn Elms Rowing, we work to expand the curriculum beyond the norm.
As of September 2020, we will also provide post 16 in our secondary facility on Beavor Lane, Hammersmith. Supporting young people as they transition to adults.
I invite you to come and visit our pupils and our wonderful site. I am convinced you will like what you see.”
Outstanding Characteristics
SpLD focus within all lessons
Built in Speech and Language support and counselling as well as Occupational therapy
All teaching staff are SpLD / ASD / Dyslexia trained
Robust life skill and outdoor ed programme
Access to newly founded Sixth Form College