The Power of Scent: Fragrances to Transform Your Mood in 2021
4 years ago
Discover the best British fragrances for inspiration, energy, productivity, relaxation and sleep

How to use scent to create a mood and transform a room.
Mood-Altering Fragrances
Spending as much time at home as we’ve had to recently has made us all much more aware of our interiors and how welcoming they are – or not, as the case may be. Not only has this meant a surge in decorating and renovation around the UK, but there’s also been a big jump in the sales of home fragrances, an area that grew 29 per cent in October 2020 according to the research group Kantar.
And there’s a good reason for this: our olfactory senses are a powerful route into harnessing our mood and transforming it for the better, whether that’s for more energy, sleep or productivity.
The potent active ingredients in the fragrant finds below have been sourced from all around the world. It is, however, the best perfumers, aromatherapists and chandlers from Britain who have harnessed the properties of these herbs, fruits and flowers, encasing them in sweet-smelling candles, oils and diffusers. If you find it a desperate mission trying to sleep, sometimes feel sapped of energy or end up as stiff as a plank after a hardcore workout, these beautiful scents have you covered for your mind, body and soul, with aromas that your senses will fall in love in with.
Just let yourself breathe.