Tried & Tested: La Prairie X Harrods £800 Super-Facial
7 hours ago
It’s got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty.

Rebecca Cox tries La Prairie’s tech-enhanced facial that promises to refresh and rejuvenate your skin in one sitting.
La Prairie Cellular Reset Facial Review
Beauty marketing is packed with superlatives. As a former beauty editor I have heard them all: instant radiance, collagen-boosting, visibly-plumping. And with treatment menus offering everything from an hour-long face petting to scary sounding gadgets that require serious downtime, it can all be a bit confusing. But La Prairie is one of my go-tos for extra-special skincare, (their Skin Caviar Foundation is my absolute favourite for transforming tired skin,) so I jumped at the chance to trial the Intensive Cellular Reset Facial in Harrods’ subterranean skincare spa.
The treatment opens with a comprehensive skin analysis, including details of any concerns or skin goals, plus a run-down of what you’re currently using. From this, your therapist will select the appropriate La Prairie products for your tailored treatment, but spoiler: they’re all pretty great. After a full surface-level cleanse, a deep ultrasonic cleansing cleans deep into clogged pores and gives a clear base for the treatment to follow. Next up is radio frequency and gentle electrical muscle stimulation to tighten and plump the skin and boost rejuvenation. Finally, LED light therapy to encourage collagen production and skin radiance, along with a series of high-performance peels, masks and serums from the brand’s collections.
The treatment options for this facial are as follows:
- 90 minutes – £600
- 120 minutes (with deep cleansing) – £650
- 135 minutes (with all the tech-enhanced options) – £800
Best Skin Tints: Tried & Tested
Personally, I’ve always found a facial to be a more relaxing option than a massage. Laying down and having someone stroke your face for an hour has always felt more appealing than rolling around and being prodded. But with a price-tag this high, you want to see some serious results. On this, the facial really delivers. The ultra-sonic cleansing is slightly uncomfortable, but incredibly satisfying, when you’re presented with the extractions gleaned (you can skip this show-and-tell if you’re less disgusting than I am). Likewise, the EMS has a slight element of discomfort, but you can feel the effects post-treatment, far more effective than a gentle massage.
The La Prairie Cellular 3-Minute Peel adds an exfoliation element to the treatment that means alongside the cleansing and toning portions of the facial you really walk away feeling you’ve been delivered a series of tangible complexion improvements. The latter half of the facial is more textbook luxe facial; a series of masks, serums and creams applied following refreshing warm compresses with light facial massage. My therapist explained at each stage exactly what was happening and the purpose of each step, though by the application of the final cream I had, true to form, drifted off.
I was warned that immediately after the treatment the peel may cause some light redness or shedding, but I left Harrods with super-hydrated, glowing skin (and a baseball cap to protect me from the spring sunshine). That evening I applied the minis I’d been handed after cleansing for a top-up, and woke the next morning with, as advertised, smoother, softer and more radiant skin. Two weeks on and my skin is looking and feeling great. If you want a noticeable skin refresh without injecting anything, this is most luxurious way to do it, as well as giving your skin a hit of all La Prairie’s best sellers, without investing in the entire range. Though, you may be convinced to do so after your appointment if you exit via the Harrods beauty hall…