The Sustainable Edit: Boodles SMO Gold
4 years ago
Shopping finds with a focus on sustainability

Welcome to our new column, every Tuesday we will be uncovering shopping finds with a focus on sustainability; if you love shopping and are focused on creating a smaller footprint in the world, we have done the hard work for you and are only featuring brands that have made an impact in this arena. While we know the only way to truly be sustainable is not to buy anything at all we realise it is not a reality for most. We hope to focus on forever pieces that you will love and will spark joy for a lifetime.
Boodles SMO Gold
Boodles knows where their gold comes from, do you?
In a world where people want increasing transparency about where their products actually come from Boodles have now introduced Single Mine Origin (SMO) gold and all products will be now be made from this.
So what is SMO Gold?
Sourced from the Yanfolila gold mine in Mali, SMO certified gold provides a traceable chain from the mine to the finished product, a system where every gram of gold is documented and audited. For Single Mine Origin Gold, the entire process starts from production at the mine, through the smelting and refining processes to delivery of the gold at the Boodles workshops. Boodles customers will be able to access batch codes and QR codes to give them a direct link to the source of the metal used in their purchase, as well as giving an insight into the impact that each purchase has helped to create through community and environmental projects. As well as knowing where the gold comes from, Boodles are also committed to repairing and maintaining the company built infrastructure in the villages around the mine. These include improvements to water towers, schools and hospital clinics. The first of the big hitter brands to do this we are sure it will create a way forward for other brands to create beautiful jewellery with a conscience.
Here are our picks from the Boodles collections all made from SMO gold.