How To Reduce The Appearance Of Spider Veins
6 months ago
Say goodbye to broken capillaries
Are spidery veins skating across your skin (and getting you down)? C&TH Beauty Editor Nathalie Eleni shares her tips for getting rid of this pesky problem.
What Are Spider Veins?
Broken capillaries, also known as spider veins, are dilated red, purple or blue blood vessels that appear near the skin’s surface in a weblike pattern, usually on the legs or the face.
What Causes Broken Capillaries?
As we age, the walls of our blood vessels become weaker and less elastic, leading to the development of broken capillaries. Overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can also weaken the walls of blood vessels and cause inflammation, making them more prone to damage. Hormones, genetics, pregnancy, over-exfoliating, and alcohol consumption can also contribute.
What About Lifestyle Factors?
Standing or sitting for too long without moving and poor circulation also put increased pressure on veins. If this sounds like you, try wearing compression stockings, which apply gentle pressure to the legs to help improve blood flow. Excess weight can also weaken veins and contribute to their damage.
What Are The Home Treatments For Spider Veins?
Wear a broad spectrum SPF every day and incorporate LED light technology, which helps to calm and strengthen skin to help address redness that accentuates broken veins. Don’t over-scrub! Use a sonic cleansing gadget instead, which uses high-speed, gentle vibrations to break down impurities. You can also use a colour-correcting cream on your face to tame redness, and body make-up on your legs.
How Can We Prevent Spider Veins On Legs?
Dr Ahmed El Muntasar, GP and award-winning aesthetics doctor says, ‘There’s a huge link between the obesity epidemic and broken veins, because when you’re increasing the pressure on the lower limbs, they can start appearing. So, the first preventative is weight management. Number two is maintaining healthy skin and using skincare products, including moisturisers, shea butter, ceramides and peptides on the body to help maintain the integrity of skin.’
Is There A Needle-Free, Quick Fix For Broken Facial Capillaries?
‘The best treatment, hands down, is Sciton Broadband Light Treatment, the latest technology in intense pulsed light,’ says Dr Jenny Doyle, consultant oculoplastic surgeon and Head of Aesthetics at The Clinic Holland Park. ‘As well as instantly zapping those pesky broken capillaries around the nose, it tackles pigmentation and anti-ageing. A ten-year study by Stanford University showed that this treatment changes the gene expression of your skin cells, so they start acting younger than their chronological age! No downtime and it takes 20 minutes to do.’
BOOK IT: £1,300 for a course of three, recommended once or twice a year. theclinichollandpark.com
And The Body?
Microsclerotherapy is a procedure that involves injecting a solution directly into the broken veins, causing them to collapse and eventually fade away. Available at the Whitely Clinic with Prof Mark Whiteley and Dr Omar Abu-Bakr.
BOOK IT: Consultation, scan and follow-up, £980; Varixio Microfoam Microsclerotherapy: £875; Liquid Microsclerotherapy, £460. thewhiteleyclinic.co.uk
The Best Products For Spider Veins
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